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Today I was forced a glass of milk and a bowl of chicken...


40 minutes of KILLER circuit training and. 25 minute walk home.

I feel great :)

Wow, I’ve had an “official” blogging schedule for about two weeks now and...

Went out for dinner last night, it was pretty bad. Basically had Chinese, I ordered Sizzling Japanese Tofu and steamed rice so I wouldn’t be eating the fried stuff, but the tofu looked fried and less healthy than I’ve had before and I ended up eating a lot of that.. I might have over estimated my calories but I’d rather over estimate than under estimate. Then I got home and had a huge shaker filled with milo mixed with milk along with 4 coconut/krispie biscuits. It was naughty but I’d exercised and eaten not too badly throughout the day so I guess I can justify it that way.

I’m going to make that my cheat meals/night for the week and make sure I’m well behaved on Saturday and Sunday, I’m back up to 59kg on the scales (who knows if that’s right though because the mornings have been so cold that I’ve been weighing myself fully clothed, but it’s still a much higher number than I want to see) so that’s a little disheartening, but I’ve just gotta keep at it.

I want to do this badly.

I figured all of us on here who are on WW should have a directory so we can talk to other people who are on the same weight loss journey as us for advice, tips and/or recipes!

The directory is organized by height so reblog this or send me a message with your height and please have it stated somewhere on your blog that you’re on weight watchers. =]

All WW blogs follow me!  http://shesshrinking.tumblr.com/

Heading to the gym with my sister for some intervals (I invent them as I go) on the elliptical!

Hope you’re all having a great (healthy) day!

1/2 an apple and a cup of my smoothie.

Everyone, I have bad news :( My parents threw out all of how mandarins so now I can’t use them for smoothies u.u

I think my day is completely done; no more food intake today!

Now let’s see my goals

Goal #1 and #2: in all honesty, I feel like I am getting worse :( :S Like I try and see change, but today my mirror is not liking me. Maybe if I tried on a pair or shorts? I don’t know. At least I could wear my capris with shorts under. And when I went to the gym I sweated a LOT. Woot!

Goal #3: my mom’s tortilla had some roast beef in it (left overs, lol) But that’s about it. We watched Food, Inc. in class today and I think that I am slowly turning away from meat… 

Goal #4: I had LOTS of fruits today! All of them in one smoothie :) plus the 1/5 apple I ate for dinner. Oh, and my tomatoes :)

Goal #5: I went to the cookie counter today while I was eating my apple. I stopped myself. I said I wasn’t going to be happy after eating a cookie, so I shouldn’t even try and reach for one!

Goal #6: As I told you before, I left half of my tortilla back in the pan and replaced it with more tomatoes. Also, I only had THREE chocolate covered almonds, compared to the SEVEN I usually like to have :)

Goal #7: Went to the gym for 45 minutes and burned 300+ calories :) Then, I did the 40 jumping jacks for my followers AND the 30 day shred. 

Goal #8: Help me on this. I still can’t accept myself u.u


Today I was forced a glass of milk and a bowl of chicken meatballs, noodles, and spinach. At least it’s healthy..

Time to work off the calories.