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Okay, three days in and I LOVE Weight Watchers.

195.4 this morning :)

time for work, then working out (of course) after. bye!

forgot to do this yesterday, oops!

My parents know I am trying to lose weight. They are also trying to lose weight which makes this 10000x easier. And they care that I am doing it the right way and not striving for something I can’t be. But they are happy I want to get healthy.

I’ve been feeling sick lately. Sneezing, dizziness, headaches, runny nose, extreme fatigue, and an inability to sleep. My mom has been insisting that it’s because I’m not eating enough, but I’ve been making an effort to eat more (and I already eat a healthy amount).

So last night she kept telling me to eat more, kept giving me more food. It was bad. Lots of junk. So I went to a friend’s house and got high. But that didn’t end well either, we went to get cupcakes and ran into one of my bosses. I don’t think she cared/knew though, she just yelled at me for buying cupcakes when they made a bunch of extras at the end of the night shift and we could have had them for free.

But I talked to my mom this morning. If the problem was the amount of food, then eating would fix these things. But it doesn’t, I eat and feel better for like ten minutes then feel sick again. So it obviously isn’t quantity, if it’s anything it’s the quality.

I have had anemia before, and that was pretty much how I felt. That was when I was a vegetarian and got most of my protein from eggs, nuts, and dairy. All good things, but none of them are particularly high in iron. That’s how my diet has been lately, little meat and nothing to compensate for the lack of iron.

So I talked to my mom about it and she agreed to lay off a bit because it really stresses me out. But as a result, I have to have two cups of Cheerios every day because it’s iron fortified and that will give me 90% of my need. OH NO I HAVE TO EAT MY FAVORITE CEREAL.

But I hope that it helps, I really hate feeling like this.

However, that will not prevent me from drinking a liter of coffee at work tonight.

Going to go work out now, even though I just want to keep watching Dexter with the heating pad on my legs. I think I’m going to petition to have watching this show added to the list of cardio exercises. Why? Because my heart beats so fucking fast every time I see Michael C Hall. Bro is easy on the eyes.

(today’s one)

I do Zumba and Jillian Micheals DVDs. I switch them around doing mostly what I feel I need that day. If I’m too sore from Jillian I usually do a Zumba.

I’m trying to start running but I have to train myself to work up to it because I have a slight asthma problem and really bad allergies.

Oh geeze, I can’t believe I’m posting this… But this is me, currently @ 200.8lbs.

At least I weighed 5lbs less than I thought I did. Just waiting on my friend to call me and then we are going running or something. Lol it was suppose to be yesterday but she couldn’t find a babysitter. Ugg, hope I never have to see myself look like that ever again.

Yea!! I’m so glad to see a lower number this morning and not the 183 that has been haunting me! Happy Friday all!

(Please excuse the sideways photo. I tried taking it several times, but my iPhone kept auto-rotating every different direction.)

I’m going back to the hospital with my dad today.  He’s making Maidrites.  His maidrites are so good.  Fattening, I’m sure, but delicious.  I think I’m going to have him stop at the grocery store there in town so I can get myself something a bit more nutritional.  Come time for the funeral (let’s face it, it’s going to happen), there will be so much food to eat we won’t know what to do with ourselves.  I would rather not ruin that for myself so early in the game.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do, though.  I don’t want to annoy my dad by making him stop before we get clear out to the hospital, but I know either way he will be.

I will do 30 Day Shred tonight.  I’ve noticed my endurance for it is getting better.  A few more times on level one and I’m going to switch over to level 2.

I havent really been sticking to this weight loss plan properly, so today, I vow to make a new (new) start and document my progress properly on here.

I will take 2 before pictures tonight and post them. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me abuse about them! I neeeeeeeed to get slim!

Im actually quite proud of myself, as I work in a fast food restaurant, so its quite easy to just take a fry, but I havent eaten ANYTHING for the past 3 shifts. YAY!

Stay tuned for photos after i come back from work!

Because I am mighty tired of hearing mum and her hellishly negative and neurotic tone of voice. Just being around her makes me tense and anxious and generally depressed. I know joining the same program she is on could go either way: on the one hand, she could get even worse and constantly ask what is on my menu, on the other she might actually relax for a change.

(She’s currently downstairs having a shouting match with my little brother. And here I was thinking things were going well. Clearly she’s back to her stressed out irrational phase).

At any rate I think it will be great to go and have a weekly weigh in and see someone who isn’t her. 

First of all, I know I’m not supposed to weigh myself every day (even the eTools won’t let me record my weight more than once a week), but I’d ballooned up to 172 and stayed there for a solid two weeks. Then, magically, I started W.W. and now I’m back under 170. (169.5, so only a little, but I’ll take it!) I know, I know—it’s just normal body fluctuations, bodies do that, etc. etc. etc. But it was SUCH a relief.

Second, I like how they’ve changed the system. It really feels like I’m doing something different. Now, instead of basing their points on calories, they base them on carbs, fat, protein, and fiber. I get 30 points a day, which is plenty. Also, fruits and veggies are free now. I remember on the old system that a large apple was 2 points, which was frustrating.

Only complaint: the tall nonfat chai lattes from Starbucks that I love so much, and which were 2 points on the old plan, are now a whopping 5 points. Ah well. You can’t win ‘em all.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, W.W. costs money. Essentially, if I don’t lose weight, I’ve wasted my own precious moolah through dumbness and poor choices. Well, that isn’t going to happen. My motivation regarding my weight comes and goes in waves, but my motivation to not waste my money is something I deal with on the regular.

Alright, body. This is it. Prepare to be better.

(Also, is anyone else here on W.W.? I’d love to talk with y’all about it!)