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TRUE RELIGION : Sammy $240 from truereligion.com

This is my first inspirational post. It’s pretty cold here at the moment and while I do own a pair of jeans they’re nothing special. These jeans, however, I love and helped get me through my workout tonight! I LOVE wide leg jeans, I think there’s something about that them that looks so smart. They’re the perfect jean for transitioning between casual friday and a night on the town. So cute with stilettos peaking out the bottom.

  • 100 jumping jacks
  • 100 sit ups
  • 50 leg lifts (each leg)
  • 25 push ups (on the knees)

hey guys.

so i have not weighed myself all weekend but i have a feeling i went back up. no fun.

normally i would be at the gym right now but its monday and i am so unmotivated. and i know i should not use excuses.. but. whatever. HA.

so i was thinking of maybe ZUMBA-ing today or just working out on some ab-alicious workouts since i get bored zumba-ing alone… :( lol!

BUT i just wanted to let you guys in on a little secret, well its not a secret.. but ok so recently i have switched m gym routine up, i used to do 30 minutes of cardio, and 25 minutes of toning.. well that got really boring..so now i am doing 20-25 minutes of cardio 15 minutes weight lifting and 10 minutes of abwork/leg toning and it KICKED MY ASS.. since i have such a crazy work schedule i dont get to th egym as much as i want, so i went two days in a row on wednesday and thursday and did all my work out stuff i just mentioned.. on friday i felt like i got hit by a truck because my thighs were so sore!! but saturday my abs started to hurt and i could feel my stomach tightening up!! just talking about it makes me want to do more ab workouts today! LOOK i motivated myself!!!!

Do you guys know any of any sweet ass ab work outs i can do at home???


If you want to lose weight safely and effectively, one key factor is identifying your body’s metabolic type. In this brief article, we will take a closer look at one of the three metabolic types: the Carb Type.

Basic Characteristics of Carb Types

If you are identified as a Carbohydrate Type, your appetite tends to be weaker than Protein and Mixed Types. Carb Types are usually satisfied with just a minimal amount of food and don’t think too much about food until hungry. Carb Types may go for longer periods without food consumption. This may lead to starvation mode. This method of decreasing the body’s metabolic rate can make it make more difficult to lose weight and can lead to obesity. They have a high tolerance for carbohydrates and starchy food. This can be harmful, since it can lead to conditions such as diabetes, insulin resistance and hypoglycemia. Moreover, Carb Types tend to be more dependent to caffeine than other metabolic types. Oftentimes, dependency on caffeine suppresses their appetites more, leading to nutrient deficiency.

Ideal foods for Carb Types

The ideal diet for Carb Types should include more carbohydrates than fats or proteins. But this doesn’t mean that protein is not needed. Healthy options are low-fat proteins such as whitefish and white meat poultry. Carb Types can choose from various healthy carbohydrate sources and eat them in sizable portions than any other type. Keep in mind that Carb Types convert carbs into energy much slower than Protein Types. This doesn’t mean that they can binge on carbs.

Preventing Insulin Increase

If you’re a Carb Type with the objective of losing weight, one thing that you should be concerned about is having increased insulin levels. Insulin stores fat and larger amounts of it in your bloodstream will make it quite hard for you to lose weight. It is important to keep your insulin levels at bay.

Choosing Healthier Carb Sources

Go for low-starch vegetables such as salad greens and broccoli. Decrease your intake of high-starch carb sources such as grains, breads and pasta. If you feel sleepy, sluggish or hungry after eating a meal, you may have consumed more grain than recommended. Increase your protein intake and reduce the amount of grain in your next meals. 

Choosing Dairy Consciously

Carb Types are slow in metabolizing dairy. You can determine if dairy is a good option for you by checking your reaction after dairy consumption. It would be best if you limit the amount of dairy in your diet if you feel fatigued or sluggish after your consumption. Here’s some good sources of calcium.

Keep in mind that anything in excess can lead to weight disorder. Control your food intake in portions suitable for your metabolic type if you want to lose weight fast. For more safe, natural and effective strategies designed for your particular metabolic type, read the Diet Solution Manual, a powerful and highly proven diet system by acclaimed nutrition expert Isabel De Los Rios.

I’m Hayley and I am 21 years old.

I have began to realise that I haven’t been eating the right things at all so I have decided to do the 40 day challenge. My housemate is half way through her challenge and she has done so well!

The 40 day challenge has one major rule: eat healthy. So I am cutting down on the sugary snacks (my ultimate weakness). I’m not very happy with my weight at the moment but I have decided to bite the bullet and face the fact that I can look better. The truth is I want to be confident with the way I look. There was a point when I was 18/19 years old when I lost a lot of weight but remained unhappy with myself. In this challenge I was to focus on being happy with food and feeling comfortable in my own skin. 

I will document every single day of this challenge. I will write down what I eat, how much I weight and what kind of exercise I am doing.

Wish me luck

I’d like some more lovely, healthy fitness/weight-loss tumblrs to follow.

Tell me some of your favourites, please? :)