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I'm not even posting my intake today

I am going to do skinny girl diet. It’s pretty much the end of the day and I don’t want to wait till next Monday so I will just work off the extra 60 calories I ate today, so then everything can get on track. Has anyone had any experiences with SGD?

guys, c'mon. i'm wired on energy. like caffeine overdose!

So I finally did it. I worked out a little. I started Jillian Micheals Fat Burn DVD and my EasyCurves. The Fat DVD I only did warm up/cool down and 2 circuits but everything added up to 30 mins so I am thinking I’ll work my way up to all 7 circuits.

B-Special K

L-3chicken selects and a yogurt

D-left over mashed potatoes zucchini shredded chicken and a bite of  Stromboli (it sounds like a lot but it was a tiny amount of everything)


E-EasyCurves A and 2Jillian circuits

Even my glasses are sweating.

Ew, I’ve eaten so much today and I’m not going to get to go to the gym tonight. It’s also waffle night with my friends, urghgjhgkjeht! I hate this so much, why can I be so lucky where I can eat whatever I like and not gain 20 kilos :’(!

Don’t mind me I’m just whinging because it’s shark week and I’m bloated and yuck and just craving chocolate and ice cream really badly.

One question before I finally go to bed:

In Vegas for the half marathon it will be around 50 degrees and the race is December 4th. However, I have no idea what I should be wearing so I need some help. Like a type of special shirt? Shorts? Should I wear like spandex under my shorts? A long sleeved and then short sleeved shirt together?

So I guess, what should I be looking for to wear in 50 degree weather at the beginning of December, running in the evening 13.1 miles in Vegas?

09:45 - Sun dried cherry tomatoes in oil [58]

Total: 58



Net intake:  

why can’t you buy my fucking clothes already?

I’ve lost 4 jeans sizes. which means NONE of my clothes fit.

which means I have to buy NEW ONES, WHICH I CAN’T AFFORD

because you won’t buy my old shit

fuck you.

As you probably have surmised, it was terrible. No fucking painted nails for me (nail polish challenge). Tomorrow I will do this!

The thing is I’m always like: “Oh it won’t matter.” Well you know what, inner me, it fucking will. When you’re obese and trying to lose more weight than ever you’ll regret this forever.