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Sorry I didn’t post last night. It was mostly because it was a bad day and I could’ve cared less about my calorie counting. I even ate a slice of Walmart Triple Chocolaty Cake! *Le Gasp!* But Yeah. I just lost confidence in myself and I’m struggling with not seeing the results fast enough. People in DCI could feel me on this one cause on Tour you’re working 12 hrs a day and eating an all carb diet. I lost 30 pounds in 2 months! And some lil app on my ipod (my fitness pal) is telling me I’ll lose 10 pounds in 6 wks?!? WTF.

But Today I did SO MUCH BETTER! :D Salad for lunch and Subway for dinner. I will admit I had mc donalds for breakfast but it was perfectly within my calorie range :D PLUS right after this post I’m taking my wonderful boyfriend and walking/ power walking (no running!) at the park. :D 

I know I only have two followers but I like writing and having something to rant at I guess lol. Night! Think Thin!

I need to make one.. and stick to it. 

So now that I am at week 5 of the Couch to 10K program…holy hell do I feel the difference. 70 minutes of running?! brb I’m about to figure out the exact mileage of my quest…

Okay, and with 2 minutes of walking/2.5 minutes of running for a total of 70 minutes, I “ventured” a little over 5 miles. I don’t know if that’s good or what, but woo yeah 642 calories.

Anyone remember when I looked like this?

And then decided to look like this?


I really need a better ‘after’ shot… PHOTOSHOOT!

my favorite 100 calorie snack.

which brings my total net calories to -879

Will you race me? Will you? Please? Come on, race me?

Tonight, I was lucky enough to hang out with my friends 6 and 8 year old nieces. We took them to a park with a big nature trail and walked all around. Well actually we “raced” most of the time. Despite most of my attempts to get out of said racing, I found myself running along the trails and having fun instead of panting and thinking about how much I despise running most of the time. 

We didn’t go very far, just 2.4 miles, but I did spend the vast majority of it running.  I also got to educate, my second favorite thing, pointing out different trees, animals and bugs. Who doesn’t love that? 

Don’t have your own, borrow a friends, you’ll have a blast, I’m telling you. Their parents won’t mind when you return them completely exhausted either. 

Dedicated to all the weight plateauing sufferers

Gah! I get so discouraged when my WIW hasn’t budged, but I’ve come to realise that the numbers on the scale isn’t necessarily the be all end all. I just wanted to tell you to celebrate all your non scale victories. 

My NSV thus far:

  • Oh hello collarbone nice to see you again
  • I can breathe in jeans
  • I can squat 10kgs in body pump now
  • My legs are more toned 
  • Got energy? Yes I do.

What NSVs have you achieved?

Actually so happy plans got cancelled for tomorrow! It means I don’t have to go out for supper tomorrow with friends! I can make up for today, which will take a lot. Exercised quite a bit today, but had tons of gross food for lunch with the friend. Yayay I get to miss the meal!

Hi, i’m new here, & this is my first post. This is mostly a weight loss blog…with some celebrities thrown in haha. I’d love to find some other people trying to be healthy & lose weight so we can motivate each other!

Going to work out now ?