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Reasons to lose weight: to rock the hell out of a dress like...

Dinner @ Red Robin 7pm

•Ensenada Chicken™ Platter (salad and only one chicken breast- - i saved the other one for an omelet tomorrow morning)

• Water

We  walked around the mall after dinner and i had two See’s Candy Samples. =[ I knew i shouldn’t have but i did… NO MORE…

Morning: 120.6lbsNight: 122.2lbs =[

**P90x Plyometrics30 day shred Level 1 & Butt workouts**

this afternoon i had to buy new black pants for work IN A SMALLER SIZE because my old ones are now too big!! i haven’t even lost that much weight at all…but i must be toning up because not only was the waist of the pants really loose (and needing to be held up with a belt), but all down the leg was baggy. i actually looked quite shocking in them today. all those squats in body pump must be paying off!

off to power yoga tonight i think. need something slightly restful after the week i’ve had. then body pump on saturday morning - I’m going to up my weights again for squats and triceps.

around this little community we have here, tumblr?

do you feel a change?

you’ve been thinking to yourself, “when i get skinny, when i get skinny, when i get skinny…” but what if you don’t? because at 3 AM when stick-figures fill your dashboard, and your stomach is growling and all you can think about is that 4 cheese frozen pizza in the fridge and you haven’t eaten all day and you’ve been really good lately so what’s the harm…

and then you hate yourself and punish yourself and feel so low and worthless. but the next day is a new day so you keep up the mantra, “when i get skinny, when i get skinny, when i get skinny….”

but how about now? pre-skinny. what are you going to do now? 

maybe i’m at this point in my life where starving myself isn’t an option anymore. before i liked looking like a stick-figure. i was young and tiny and weightless and people wanted to protect me. now i’m 20 and i want to protect myself. i don’t want to be this little doe. i want to be a sexy woman. and i’m not there yet, i have a very long way to go. but i’m not doing it the old way anymore.

i’ve started to eat healthy foods, my fridge is stocked with fruits and veggies and my pantry has almonds and wheat pasta. i do toning exercises everyday and i go on runs when i don’t have to work. i have never felt better or looked better in my life.

i feel a change, tumblr.

people in this community have started to realize that they don’t need to be mindfucked every time they eat a bagel. the cycle can keep going or it can end.

UGH! I hate how I looked in my 2010’s birthday =/

Me alegra que ya no tengo esa panza fea =]

So tonight I made some grilled tofu steak things, but I wasn’t going to eat them yet because the rest of dinner wasn’t done being made. (Others were grilling chicken, making salad etc), wellllllll, it was after 9pm when everything was done. I was *going to go for a run, because I didn’t earlier, but it was hot until past dark/I can’t jog past dark around here, blah blah, so I missed dinner.

Question is: It’s now almost 1am, and I can’t sleep. My stomach is killing me with hunger, and I don’t want to slow my metabolism, but I also don’t want to eat and then fall asleep in an hour, turning it straight to fat. I’m craving everything, and resisting, but I don’t know if maybe I should have a glass of milk? It has protein anyway. Or we have these little grapefruit-cups, but they’re 100 calories, and no protein.. Where milk at least has some protein, and we have a no-fat kind.

Blah blah blah I’m hungry and I want to eat so my metabolism doesn’t die, but I also don’t want to gorge. Help :c

im in europe so my days r a little screwed but ill be here tilp the 3rd (i get back either 3rd or 4th)