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JY's Lean P90X workout day 6!


So excited! I don't think I'll be buying that much equipment but I WANT TO HANG UPSIDEDOWN TOOOOOO!!!!

I’m somewhere between 5’4” and 5’4.5”, and yeah, I guess I’m happy with it. I’d like to be a little shorter (only certainly not this weight and shorter!). I’ve always like being short-ish :)

I know its super chemically and bad for me… but its my favorite little diet cheat right now :)

Day Three - A picture of your thinsperation. What features do you like about this person?

I’m not really into the whole “thinspo” thing, but I guess this would be my ideal realistic body. I’ll never have hips and a little waist, nor will I ever have a large chest, and that is a-okay with me. 

I’d say that these girls are “normal” skinny (though the one on the far right seems to be pushing it a little). I’m not trying to look emaciated..just smaller than I do now! I’m not far from this, but certainly not there yet.

fuck being sick. fuck new teeth growing in. fuck braces and getting them tightened. 

i’ve lost 9 pounds. i havent had solid food since thursday and i can barely take down liquids. my gums are swollen and bleed every time i brush my teeth and my entire mouth is in a lot of fucking pain. to top it all off i have my period.

i never cry, but because of the pain, i’ve cried every single day since thursday sometimes more than once. fuck.

I fear that I won’t be able to keep it off. No one in my family (blood relation) is overweight to the point that they would be called “fat,” but no one in my family (except for maybe my dad) has the same passion for food as I do. I can out-eat every boy I know, and even my dad at times! And I always go for the unhealthy things. Sometimes I just want to say, “Forget weight loss. I’ll just eat however much I want and be whatever weight I wanna be!” But I know I wouldn’t be happy if I was heavier. Definitely trying to readjust my relationship with food during this challenge!

Ask for the password! You must also be a weight loss blog. Thanks!

Phase 1: 4 weeks 

Week 1: 

Monday: Core Synergistics

Tuesday: Cardio X

Wednesday: Shoulder & Arms, AB Ripper X

Thursday: Yoga X

Sunday: Rest 

Monday: Cardio X

Tuesday: Yoga X


And I am getting back on track with my nuitritions too! 
I am beginning to trust myself with food again. Tomorrow, I will start again on track with Shoulder & Arms, Ab Ripper X. =D

Week 2 tomorrow!