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I can’t wait for my 32 waist jeans to fit me again. Nor can I wait for my size small t-shirts to fit without making me look like I’m wearing a size too small.

The Atkins diet is amazing. I can’t get over how much better it’s made me feel day-to-day, even though the weight loss hasn’t been that significant yet. I don’t feel tired in the afternoons anymore. I don’t crave sugary foods. I don’t miss bread, or milk, or pasta, or rice. They’re all just stodgey crappy fattening foods in my mind now, and I happily avoid them!

Things that I should probably start to do to speed up my weight loss (or maintain it as I increase my carb count) are to drink more water, drink less ‘diet / sugar-free’ fizzy drinks, and do more exercise. I’ve started riding my bike to work again as of this morning though, and as of next week I’ll be bringing bottles of water to work and making sure I drink a full one each day!

I’m on day 16 now, and even after a little cheating on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings (only wine, nothing THAT bad), I’m still losing - slowly but surely.

Starting weight: 14 st. 2 (198 pounds)

Current weight: 13 st. 8 (190 pounds)

Target weight: 11 st. 6 (160 pounds)

According to my current weight loss patterns, I should be slim(ish) again within the next 2 months. Exciting times! :)

cycled to swmming there and back (3.5 miles), then swam 80 lengths (2km) :)

had a banana and water for breakfast and then for lunch i had cous cous (136cals) and a turkey and coleslaw wholemeal bread sandwich (200 cals) and i was stuffed! :)

gonna go see my grandparents now :)

brb :)

anyone who’s interested in losing/gaining weight this summer messege me!

you know what that means……………..

hitting the gym twice!

Pretty much absolutely nothing. But I guess I should be happy considering I actually ate yesterday.

Drank a full water bottle this morning with a dieuretic. Don’t plan on eating today.