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Bear and I took a 4 mile walk tonight. Needless to say, walking in flip-flops was the worst idea...

shoot me an email!

tiffany-tpl@hotmail.com , sunject line: San diego trainer. <—just so I don’t accidentally delete it!

I’m going to stray from Insanity ramblings for right now and say I just realized if my chest were a tad bigger, I’d perhaps feel a little better about how I look. I know that’s shallow and not healthy to think that way, but I’m 18, people. My grandmother has bigger tits than I do.

No, no, I won’t be getting a boob job. It’s just kinda grating on me that my perception of my own femininity is growing increasingly negative because I still feel like I’m nine years old up top. I’m not completely flat, but hey, I’m not going to deny the magic of having a nice rack.


If you read my last post, you’d know that my on/off boyfriend saved an all-black kitten from a tree earlier today and that it would’ve been mine had my mother supported the idea (big surprise— she immediately said no). Apparently the little guy never returned to his milk bowl so no one gets to keep him.

Sad panda. Sad fucking panda. 


current weight: 137

goal weight: 125 + a bigger rack

I need to get a jump start on this diet (whatever) I’m starting. I need advice, tips, encouragment?? shit idk, anything to help me kick my butt into gear.

work out ideas?

diet ideas?!


Feeling nauseous and light headed today. Hoping it’s from having my sleep interrupted so much last night. The neighbors were having a party, and it was quite loud.

Breakfast- Omlette made with 1 egg, 1 egg white, and two mushrooms, 1 piece of whole wheat toast with butter, a peach and a glass of diluted cranberry juice

Snack- 4oz sugar snap peas

Lunch- Salad made with 1.5 oz spinach, half a small avocado, 1/2 cup black beans and 2 tablespoons salsa

Dinner- I ate way too much tonight. For some reason I was absolutely starving, and considering how shitty I felt today, I let it slide. I ate A LOT of the ground beef and yogurt dish my mom made, some cucumbers, and about 1/4 of a Healthy Choice Traditional Lentil soup. I also munched on a small handful of pita chips and pretzels each, and had a bite of an eclair. I know I don’t post my calorie counts on here, but I do keep track…but today I just don’t feel like it.

Did 45 minutes on the elliptical to work some extra calories off, and did 3 sets of 10 bicep curls on each arms, plus ab work.

12 glasses of water, 1 cup green tea.

Hoping to feel less icky tomorrow!

I felt like I needed to write these down. They needed to be concrete, something I could really hold myself to because I could read them every time I get on the computer. So, here are my goals for my improving my health right now. This is really all for me. Tumblr is just the easiest place to get these out of my head in a quick manner.

1. Don’t eat after a certain time of night.
I’m going to designate 8 pm/after dinner. Brushing my teeth at this time will help prevent me from late-night eating.

2. Take 20 minutes to eat each meal.
By setting an alarm, I can ensure that I spend the full time enjoying my food. Not inhaling it means that a) I can give my body time to process my fullness level, and b) I will thoroughly appreciate what I am eating since I won’t be rushing.

3. Eat when I’m hungry, don’t eat when I’m not.
This one is kind of a problem with me because I like patterns. I like to have my daily routine where I eat breakfast at 10:30, lunch at 3, and dinner at 7. The problem is, though, that I’m not always hungry at those times. I need to break myself of that. In this case, I need to listen to my body, not my mind.

4. Start my yoga DVDs.
Doing yoga on a regular basis makes people more aware of their environment, or more mindful, if you will. I think being more mindful when it comes to food is really important. It’s nourishment, not just taste. Mindfulness can help shed light onto this seemingly simple idea that is often overshadowed by our culture’s love for food, food, and more (often not very nourishing) food.

5. Really think about what I’m eating.
This goes along with mindfulness and extending my meal time. If, during every bite, I focus on what my food’s texture feels like, what it’s aroma smells like, and just exactly what it tastes like (including subtleties), what I’m looking do to through yoga (extending my awareness) and taking more time to eat are going to come pretty easily. Also, I think this is an important part of being a good cook. Noticing the earthy tones of whole wheat, the sour-sweet taste juxtaposition of plain yogurt with strawberries alongside the smooth-crunchy(seeds) texture juxtaposition. Noticing little things really enhances appreciation.

6. Reward myself.
I’m going to set a weekly goal and reward myself ONLY if I accomplish it. Be it buying myself a Freshen’s smoothie because I’ve managed to not eat after work all week or getting a pedi because I’ve managed to lose a couple pounds. I think this is the most important, really. Short term goals mixed with self-determined rewards are sure to produce good results.

SOOOOO leggo. Let’s see how this goes.

Not really much to say about today that I haven’t already posted ;)

Lunch with my mother and sister was lots of fun. Got a bunch of healthy foods from the store. I’m loving my new yoga/workout pants. Swam, walked, and worked out with the Wii Fit. Had a really yummy dinner for under 400 calories. And now I’m feeling really relaxed and at peace :)

Bear and I took a 4 mile walk tonight. Needless to say, walking in flip-flops was the worst idea ever. I will forever keep running shoes in my car, for this purpose only. Hopefully, this will become a habit of ours. I really want US to get in shape together. I couldn’t do it without him, and I would hope that he needs my motivation as much as I need his. Also, I’m trying to watch what I eat, for inside purposes. My meals today consisted of an almond granola bar for breakfast. A salad with diced chicken, jalepenos, banana peppers, cherry tomatoes, and low-cal italian dressing, as well as two breadsticks. Another granola bar for snack. And I made grilled cheese and potato salad for mine and Bear’s dinner. We then ate a cosmic brownie later. I need at least one sweet thing a day. I have a really bad sweet tooth when it comes to chocolate, and it’s my reward (in small amounts), so I refuse to give it up. Tomorrow morning will consist of the same granola bar, lunch will consist of the same salad, and I am not sure what dinner will be. But this is a lot healthier than the way I’ve been eating lately. 

If you ask why I’ve decided to start exercising, your answer is: I went to the aesthetic weight management doctor with my brother the other day, they put me on a scale (just for the hell of it), and it took down all of my information (BMI, Weight, Body Build, Health Level, Basal Metabolic Rate, Age of Metabolism, Visceral Fat, Bone Density, Muscle Weight, Water Levels, etc.) This was one of the neatest things that I’ve ever encountered, because never in my life have I seen any of this laid out before my eyes. I was very healthy, low/average range on most things, high/average on visceral fat, had a decent amount of muscle density, good bone density, BMR was exactly average, but my age of metabolism was awful. Tammy (the doctor lady) told me that I need to start exercising, “No matter how rocking of a bod you have, because you look damn great”, as she said. But I need to lower my age of metabolism and lower my visceral fat by a small amount, and definitely up my muscle mass. So, exercising is key. And I couldn’t do it without Bear.