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Giving up meat, as of now! I gave it up completely (including fish) a few months ago and missed it...




In case anyone didn’t see that super long post the other day.

Oh, and I now have a handy button to get back to my main page…

it makes me poop a lot.
and it just so happens to be scrumptious.

hehe :3

I just added more pictures to my progress blog , I can see a bit of a difference. Not too much but I’m definitely getting there. Still not giving out the PW though, sorry loves..it shows my true identity. I think I’m gonna wait until I’m down to like 140 to share.

Exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  Studies show if you exercise on an empty stomach, you’re more likely to burn fat instead of carbohydrates.  If you don’t have a chance to exercise before eating in the morning, don’t eat 2 hours prior to working out.

xx sarah

me and my boyfriend are starting a weight loss competition TOMORROWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~ I know boys usually lose faster than girls, but he doesn’t know howwwww determined I am to beat him. I will win.

Me - 117 6/6

Him - 145 6/6

We will weigh in every Tuesday. Wish me luck :3

Day 3 Goal: 400 calories


2 egg whites- 34 calories


2% Reduced Fat Milk- 130 calories

String Cheese- 80 calories

10 Saltine Crackers- 120 calories


Special K Bar- 90 calories


Morning Star Asian Veggie Burger- 100 calories

Light Bread- 90 calories

5 Shrimp- 64 calories

Day Total: 708 calories 


70 minutes of ballet: -284 calories

15 minutes of walking at 4 mph: -63 calories

Net Total (Grand Total): 361 calories

This sucks. -__-

My MacBook is messed up and won’t let me add text over my photos.

The picture on the left was from two months ago when I started working out I weighed 159 pounds, the picture in the middle was from one month ago I weighed 155 pounds and the final picture on the right was just taken I am weighing 151 pounds right now. 

I still have a long way to go and I feel like I can’t see the results that the scale and the measuring tape are showing me. Since I started I’ve lost 3 inches off my waist and one inch off my hips. As you can probably guess when I started working out two months ago I wasn’t too into it and didn’t really give it my all. After seeing my body and realizing that I need to be healthy not just for me, but for my son too, I’m busting ass five nights a week and I’m getting back in shape. I will be healthy again! 

I’m excited for my three-day cleansing phase, which starts tomorrow. I get to eat as much red meat as I want! STEAK STEAK STEAK STEAK STEAK

So yeah, my diet for the next three days will consist of oranges, eggs, unlimited red meat (without salt), unlimited (uncooked) green veggies, and lots and lots of water.

Also AMAZING, 25 cals (I think?) and 1.25g’s of fat per wedge. Awesome snack with some whole grain crackers!

I try not to do a lot of product promotion because that would get really annoying but just hear this out:

My trainer, some of her other clients and I have been using these protein shakes and we’ve had a lot of success with them so far. Basically, you can substitute one or two meals a day with them, they’re packed with everything you need and they taste amazing (especially blended with almond milk instead of water). Even if you’ve already reached your weight goal it’s a great way to get a quick breakfast and stay on track. One bag lasts about a month and it works out to around $1.50/meal. 

If you’d like to give them a try please let me know in my ask box and I’ll send you her link so you can order some for yourself. 

Giving up meat, as of now! I gave it up completely (including fish) a few months ago and missed it so I started eating it again, well in all honesty it was a moment of weakness and I figured, oh well I’ve eaten meat now why bother anymore. But after looking at how bad my eating habits have become since I’ve allowed meat back into my diet I’m giving it up again for good. I’m going to allow fish this time though, so technically I’ll be a pescetarian. I’m not even bothered by this change I’m more excited than anything actually and I just thought I’d blog about it..