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Usually, I avoid going to blogs, looking at tagged posts and reblogs- of people that are losing weight the unhealthy way. It just makes me ache a little bit, knowing the damage they are doing to their bodies and their minds, and the possibility that they are leading themselves into an eating disorder, and that sometimes- nothing I say will make a difference.
But the thing is, not all these blogs know that what they’re doing is so bad for them, they don’t recognize the true danger that they are putting themselves into. Maybe they have turned a blind eye because they are desperate for a change that will ‘make them feel better for once’, which of course we know does not happen. Maybe they were influenced by other unhealthy blogs and sources and think that it actually works.
But the thing is. It doesn’t. It only twists the mind into greater frustration, pain and sometimes, depression. It puts a great risk of anorexia, bulumia or ednos. It puts the body into starvation, into deprivation and possibly hospitalization.

So what I am suggesting today, is that if you see something, say something. If you see a blog that is doing these hurtful thing to their bodies and minds under the assumption that it will make them happier-send them a message. Send them kindness. Even one kind word can change someone’s day. Send them the facts of nutrition of self esteem. Be informative but respectful. This is NOT a contest of ‘who is better’ or ‘showing off’ healthy lifestyles, but an attempt to spread the knowledge that happiness and acceptance comes from within- not from getting thin.
Lets spread awareness. Lets help put out a little of the fire that is unhealthy weight loss and negative self talk.

Already feeling better about things, even felt slinkier this morning. I’d forgot to weigh myself yesterday so I’ve managed to do it on my own [duff] scales. Not happy with what was staring back at me, but I’m well and truly on it now so fingers crossed next week there will be a change.

Bit of a ‘grab what I can’ day today unfortunately.


2 wholemeal toast (400g loaf) 2 laughing cow light triangles.


2 wholemeal bread (400g) 28g cheddar. Baby sweetcorn, 1 activia fat free vanilla yog.


Jacket Potato (or SW chips) 2 x Quorn Burgers (1 syn) marrowfat peas (or pasta n’ sauce)


2 x Quorn Burger = 1

1 tsp Butter = 2

Options Caramel Hot Choc = 2

Tesco apple cereal bar (140 kcal) = 3.5 syns (over estimate)

No gym tonight since I’m nearly sick with nerves about my driving test tomorrow. If I pass I’ll drive myself to the gym in celebration and if I fail again I’ll walk myself there and back as punishment.

Muesli with non-fat milk and dried cranberries, coffee (non-fat with 1 sugar).
= 306 calories.

Ham and low fat cheese on a multigrain roll, rhubarb yoghurt.
= 398 calories.

Grilled chicken burger with salad and a tiny bit of mayo.
= 232 calories.

Fibre bar, apple pieces drizzled with vanilla custard.
= 249 calories.

= 1186 calories.


I really wanted something sweet after dinner but I’m out of yoghurt so I was naughty and used custard instead… Yum!

This is my weight loss blog. My current weight is 200 pounds and I wear a size 13 pant and XL top. In 5 years I went from a size 6 to a size 13. I use to wonder how I managed to gain so much weight in five years. I am 20 years old and should be at an age were I can eat what ever I want but instead I am worrying about how I’m going to lose weight. Well let me tell you how in 5 years I went up about 7 pant sizes.

  1. I stopped eating a mainly veggie and fruit diet.
  2. I stopped going to the gym.
  3. I got involved with a controlling boy for 5 years and devoted all my time to him.
  4. I ate out of depression.

I’m sure most of you know that mood and weight go hand in hand. Self -esteem and weight go hand and hand too. Those 5 years I spent with boy totally screwed up my self esteem. He would constantly compare me to other girls and tell me how ugly, fat and worthless I was. He wouldn’t let me have time for myself. I also feel that a part of my weight gain was to make myself sexually unappealing to him. I would hate it when he touched me and how even when I’d tell him to stop he’d keep going. 

Now, I don’t want to scare anyone away because they think this blog will be a downer. I want this blog to be more about my journey in reclaiming my life. I mean after 5 years in the dark I want to take back my health! I want to do things I enjoy again! I want to wear clothes I like! I want to watch movies I love! I just want to be me again. 

Oh, before I forget here are some extra things  about my blog I want to address:

  • I picked Jasmine as my profile picture because when I was thin that’s the Disney princess I got compared to the most. 
  • I will post my weight once a week.
  • I’ll do my best to keep you informed of what I ate and what exercises I did.
  • Since I am also reclaiming my life I’ll share little things that I started doing again that I loved but haven’t done in a long time.
  • I will never reveal my identity. (maybe after I reach my goal weight :p)

Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
Chinese Proverb

Thanks for reading me!

Anonymous Girl

Even though I’m trying to lose weight & get fit.. I still love my body right now.  It’s full of lots of womanly curves… and I look hot naked.  This is a decision for ME though.  Even though I like how I look now, I’d rather be super tiny & healthy.

Whether you need to lose some weight or just want to maintain or even improve your fitness level, try this exercise routine: walk at your top speed for 5 minutes, then jump rope for 1 minute, keep switching between walking and jumping rope for a total of 30 minutes.

Aim for three walking/jumping sessions three times a week for two weeks.

Because it always works out better that way. :P I’m waking up at 7 for my workouts, and I plan to be done by 11 to noon. Then I have all afternoon to relax until I need to go over to my little brother’s to babysit. No more eating after 5. Totally sick of it. 

There’s nothing healthy in this house either. So this is what I came up with for tomorrow.


  • Huge bowl of oatmeal - 300cal.
  • Apple - 77cal.


  • Bowl of Tuna and bread off to the side - 340cal.


  • ..Spaghetti O’s - 340cal.
  • Green Beans - 40cal.

Total: 1097 cal / 14.25g fat / 2 sat / 26g fiber / 54g protein

(The only bad thing about today will be the sodium intake due to the Spaghetti O’s.) 

I’m craving some fresh produce, which there is none in this house. The family I’m staying with… their eating habits are definitely different than mine. Too bad I don’t have any money for food until next month. :x Oh well. I’m happy I was able to actually find some combination for tomorrow that’ll give me a lot of fiber, low fat, and high protein, and all for under 1200cals while staying over 1000. I probably won’t have that great of luck on Wednesday. Sigh. Probably will end up doing nothing/eating nothing since I won’t be home. :| Gah. At least I’ll be playing Dance Central and DDR…? :D 

I love this