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What I just shared has put me in such a bad mood. I am going to try and eat nothing for the rest of...

So here’s a picture of my woman for motivation.

Can’t let myself get discouraged if the scale starts doing its crazy fluctuating thing all over again. I have to get into the gym today, but I have a call-in for work and wanted to only go if I knew for a fact that I didn’t have to go in for work, because I don’t have time if I go workout now and then have to go to work. I’m feeling blaaahh. I was all excited because the scale said 145.1 a couple of days ago, but it decided to say 145.5 yesterday and then 146.5 today. It’s this fluctuation that I can’t let get to me. I have to stop myself from climbing on top of the scale every day, make sure I’m eating right and drinking more water, and tell myself that if I’m doing the best I can, then I’ll get to where I want to be. Grr. It’s hard to be positive.

Everyone’s beautiful. 
But if you take a photo of a person and aspire to look like them at some point in your weight loss journey, there is a high chance of you being disappointed.

Your body’s unique.
Of course, there are body types, and generalizations, but there is no way you can look at someone else’s body and expect to look like that at that weight.

  • Muscle tone
  • Body fat percentage
  • Bone structure
  • Random genetics ( I have a huge ass, all the women in my family do )
  • … and tons of others. 

That’s one of the things that I think is so rewarding about this weight loss journey. 
You’re basically freeing yourself, recreating yourself, defining yourself :)

And no amount of thinspiration can tell you how the outcome will be :) 
Your body is so different, so special, so unique :)  

What I just shared has put me in such a bad mood. I am going to try and eat nothing for the rest of the day… FUCK THEM! He will be my inspiration to look amazing and shove it in his face…