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lost another pound!

All right, I’m going to try this daily intake thing. I used to calorie count, but that was when I was sticking to around 1200 calories a day, with exercise, and I got nowhere. So I’m going to count calories without a limit, but obviously try and eat as few as possible. Ugh, even the word ‘calories’ is starting to sound likeGluttonous Yellow FAT


Oats and soya milk - 200

Green tea & 500ml water


20 crunches


Wholemeal wrap with cream cheese, tomato & lettuce - 250

Half a yoghurt & 1 clementine - 80

Green tea & 1L water


20 minutes fast cycling - 200

20 squats


Plain vegetable curry - 100

1/4 packet of Tilda pilau rice - 65

Green tea & 500ml water


20 squats

20 crunches

20 jumping jacks


Oats and soya milk - 200

Coffee (dammit!) - 50

500ml water


20 crunches

20 squats

This is what Girls Generation (famous Korean girl band) eats while on a diet.

Crazy stuff, and I’m pretty sure they’re not getting enough nutrients… But their willpower is definitely motivating.

The Couch-to-5K Running Plan:

This is a good method to jogging/walking. Start off slow, and work your way to the top!!

This is from 2009

this fall 2010


2010 Oct.

nov. 2010

grad party 2009


Dec 2008

I know some of these pictures are edited horribly but looking at these made me even more motivated. As much as it hurts to look at recent pictures I needed to. I need a visual reminder of who I use to be. I need to see that I could get healthy again. I wish I had pictures from my lightest weight but I don’t have a scanner. Well any ways her are some of my favorite pictures of me and some of my least favorite.

summer before college

10th grade

senior year I just like my arm

me now ( oct. 2010)

These aren’t the best pictures but I think the show how drastically my weight changed.

And im going out tonight, there will be rum, copious amounts of it, and will probably lead to some kind of fat and carb based snack at the end of the night.


I then have a fathers day bbq thing on sunday, so ive pretty much written this week off. Am not using this as an excuse to binge, but i dont expect any weight loss at all this week. Ive still had a very healthy breakfast and have salad for lunch. But, you know. weight doesnt come off when rum is involved does it??!?!?!?

Anyway - we have just got these work t shirts because we are running an event on saturday. My boss couldnt believe i was a size 14, which i am. because that was the size she was wearing. I tried it on, and it looked fine, but she insisted i took a 16 which is baggy as hell. Annoying.I suspect that has more to do with the fact that she thinks shes thinner than me, and actually she isnt. Conclusion: Women are bitches.

Im still really confused about mr saturday night as well. Hes talking to me via facebook, lots of flirty conversations, but if i text him, i get no reply, WTF is that all about? I do not understand men at all. I was hoping to see him this weekend, but noting has been said ( despite when i said, lets just leave it, he said no and he did want to see me and stop being silly…) So - ive just made other plans instead, because im not going to sit in waiting for him.

I’m done with my little mope over my ex (why, I DO NOT know) and my few fat days are nearing their end.

The decision I have come to is…to get back on plan and stay there…

…from tomorrow of course, tonight is my first night off in ages so I’m going to enjoy it!


They’re actually my step sister’s friends which means that she’ll be busy/they won’t care so I can have a mini period of NO EATING!!! :DD AT ALL!!! A mini fast. Then I’ll get back and try to trick mum again… :S 

but this time I’m happy about it because I’m finally making progress again instead of bouncing from 199 to 198

197 baby!