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so i don’t overeat at lunch….

special k - 120

1/2 cup of silk almond milk(unsweetened) - 17

total : 137

Yesterday it told me one weight, today it told me another weight that is 4 POUNDS heavier….wtf man!

I went to the doctor yesterday, and got prescribed some antidepressants.  I told him my biggest concerns were a loss of sex drive (I’m a very sexual person, that’s a part of me that I like) and any weight gain because I’m working so hard to *lose* weight.  He listened and talked with me a lot, and then ended up prescribing me something he said he thought was well suited to what I needed. 

I’m still very nervous, especially about the weight end of things. 

Do any of you have any issues/problems/added struggles with the weight loss because you take an anti depressant?  Anyone willing to share some with me on this topic?  Feel free to send me a message and let me know whether you’d prefer it stay private or not, cause if it’s info worth sharing I’d probably want to.

Thanks so much!

Snack: 210 calories

yogurt (100)
banana (110)

After losing 10 lbs, I either gain back 2-3 lbs or none at all. Aka. I’m stuck at 125 lbs. It’s silly of me to expect instant results and it’s even foolish to think that losing 20 lbs would be easy. I need to start eating smaller portions and 5-6 times a day as opposed to the one meal I eat a day… sigh. I was considering taking laxatives - not really for weight loss - but so I can poop LOL but then I guess I’m not pooping because I’m not eating. Go figure. Iris recommended that I eat Activia (?) some yogurt shit haha. And fiber! I need to start eating oatmeal. :l I told my parents to get me a container of that and I’ll just eat that err’ morning.

I ran for an hour this morning and I feel so much better now LOL. The best part of it all is checking my scale as soon as I come home. Then peeing. Then checking the scale again. LOL. Sigh water weight. 

I will lose 20 lbs by the end of the summer. 
I will lose my belly fat by the end of the summer.  
I will have toned arms by the end of the summer.
I will no longer have thunder thighs by the end of the summer.
I will have a bangin’ bod that I will not ruin in college ever again.

Motivation helps. :) 

my inspiration ?


I am on a mission to lose 10 pounds. In order to do so in the healthiest way possible, I am making a list of guidelines I need to follow.

1. Do not eat anything breaded. No pretzels, sandwiches, pizza, fried chicken, ect.

2. Drink only water and one cup of coffee per day. No pop, juice, milk, ect.

3. Do not eat after 8pm. GO TO BED HUNGRY.

4. No sweets. No candy, cookies, popsicles, or anything sugary.

5. Eat a good amount of fruits and veggies. Small amount of meats as long as they are not breaded or fried.

6. Work out every day, whether it be 30 Day Shred, 6-week 6-pack, Buns of Steel, or running.

7. Last but not least, take progress pictures daily. There is no better motivation than physically seeing improvements on your body.