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So apparently my parents are making daiquiris tonight which is supposed to make me excited but...Im going to skip on it this tim

i think people who lose weight quickly get stretched skin hanging afterwards or people who only lose weight with dieiting and no exercise. also i think people with hell weight also have loose skin afterwards which im really afraid of. i was thinking it should be like lose, tone, lose, tone, lose, tone .. yeah? what you all gals think? 

how to prevent loose skin after losing weight?

I’m fed up of it, and it can suck my tits.

no binging, no laziness; just exercise and motivation. 

these 120’s can GTFO of my life; and never return.

Seeing as though I’m on here, I thought I’d share a few things that I’ve been doing and that have helped:

- It is 100% possible to lose weight healthily, it’s slow but it’s the best option.

- Drinking water does help, I feel a lot more awake and energised than I did 6 months ago, I know this may not be completely due to a higher water intake but I’m sure it’s one of the factors…

- If you want a slice of cake at a birthday party, or a burger at a bbq, then just have it! It’s not gonna hurt, plus, its yum :) Also, eat it slowly to enjoy it more.

- Don’t give up all the bad foods you love, life is too short to restrict yourself.

- Walk! I have never, ever been to a gym, no really. I just swap the bus or a lift in a car for walking, no matter what the weather, if it rains I just shove on my wellington boots and grab an umberella! I also often get my bike out and ride places, or if I really want to get out but have nowhere to go, I go for a walk with my friends or boyfriend.

- Tell people what you are doing. The more people that know, the more support you will gain and it will become a lot easier. I kept it hidden from friends because people would always say “Nooo you are fine, don’t diet!” but this isn’t a diet. It’s eating healthy for my body and treating it right, with the advantage of weight loss.


I hope that somebody may read this and that it’s helpful, I feel like I’ve acheived so much in these months, and writing this now has stopped me from nipping downstairs for a late night snack that I don’t need. Which reminds me, eat when you are hungry!!!!

Weight Loss Patches: The Easiest Way Of Burning The Excess Weight:

Explore the most reliable technique to finally get rid of all the unneeded pounds and manage your life by employing weight loss patches in your weight reduction plan. You will feel better right away while the pounds disappear!A lot of individuals have tried using several diets, both through capsules and other forms of supplements, that they have become dejected about ever achieving their objectives. But this easy fat loss plan implementing slimming patches is guaranteed to work since it does not entirely depend on will-power to achieve the sought after benefits. As an alternative, the weight loss diet patch harmonizes…

Today is day 2.

So far, so good.

I did go a little over yesterday, but that’s because I wasn’t intitially trying to start. But when I looked at my calories for the day I figured it was good enough because it was only a little higher than 500.

Today my limit is 500 (or less).

It’s 5:40 PM and I’ve had 341 calories. (black coffee, lots of water, 4 saltine crackers, iced tea, more water, and a frozen dinner)

I feel great and today has been surprisingly easy.

Anyone else doing the abc diet?
Perhaps we should follow one another to keep ourselves motivated.

Wish me luck for the days to come!

15min TBL Circuit Training Workout

10min Standing Ab Workout w/ Jennifer Gilardi

My grandma made red beans & rice for dinner so I had about a cup of it with crystal light as usual.