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howthemightyfall replied to your post: i still have 11 lbs to lose. 2 down so far from my original 13 lbs to lose lol. you can d

Bad day, again.

Went to Oxford to say goodbye to friends as I’m leaving the country on Saturday. They insisted we go to a cafe and I tried to order the healthiest thing - a Tuscany panini (grilled veggies and mozzarella) with salad. Tried to take off some of the cheese but got a weird look from a friend, who was busy eating a chocolate sundae! Then after that they got some Greek treats and insisted I try some of this particular baclava. So I didn’t even calorie count today. Ugh.

My shoulders are sore. My left calve sort of hurts when I walk. But I’m losing weight.

My love handles have gone down, my stomach (upper and lower abs) are slowly going down (I can’t say that I’ve been eating 100 percent health, because then I’d be lying), and I’m getting excited. I honestly cannot wait for Level 2.

I think I might actually meet my goal weight by Christmas guys, and I wanted to reach it by my birthdays (which is in February). I. Cannot. Wait.

Wish me luck :) I love you all!

Okay, so technically it’s not the 22nd anymore since it’s after midnight, but oh well! Today marked the first day of my diet. I got the myfitnesspal app for my iphone and it’s got to be the best thing ever. It’s such an easy and accurate way to keep track of calorie intake and exercise, so I love it. I also got an ab workout app which is great as well and tomorrow I’ll be adding some more health/exercise related apps to my phone to keep things interesting. 

In order to lose 2 lbs a week, my daily calorie intake is supposed to be 1200 but I went out for dinner with a friend and my total for today ended up being 2025 calories. The good thing is that I burned 600 calories from my workout, so I only ended up being 225 calories over. 

I’m actually really excited about this because for the first time ever, I actually feel like I can do this and I will do this. I’m going to be healthy, I’m going to happy, and I’m going to be proud when all this is done. This is just the beginning, but I can’t wait to see the end results. 

Well it’s already 1:29 am, so I’m going to quickly create an exercise routine page for this blog, spend a little bit of time on my other blog, and hopefully get to sleep within the next hour. Good night, xo. 

I know i have a bunch of goals on my goal page, but this is just a random simple one.

First day of summer was the 21st of June, so I would like to lose 15 lbs by the first day of fall (Sept. 23rd)

I think it’s healthy and realistic and I would def be feeling great at that weight by the end of the summer. It isn’t my ultimate goal, but it’s a lot closer and since I know I am getting more confident every day that passes, I might be damn close to cocky at that point :)

Warning: Although this is still my goal and I will be working towards it, I am taking a very intense summer course in Human Anatomy and it’s pretty much going to be taking over my life, so i want to apologize beforehand of my infrequent visits or posts on Tumblr. However, I am sure that my digits will slip and my mouse will end up checking tumblr every few hours. Ugh, the obsession!

Waist is down 3 inches from when I started. Hips are down 4. Thigh is down at least 2. Makes Becca a happy bunny :) 

Other Approaches To Lose Weight Aside From Starving Yourself:

If you are one of those individuals who’ve tried out hundreds of other weight loss plans and programs without having success you might be looking for yet another thing that can work. One of these innovative alternatives is referred to as negative calorie dishes. If a food possesses ten calories, and yes it normally requires one’s body fifteen calories to process, this is considered a negative calorie food. If you’ve ever been curious about is liposuction painful? then after reading this short article probably you could agree with me that while liposuction cost isn’t 100% risk-free, at the very least…

This is people’s primary problem with dieting successfully. Dont expect to change yourself over night. Your fat burning metabolism will drop as soon as you start dieting if you try to change too suddenly and you’ll become demotivated from the get-go.

That’s awesome! Good job! I think my goal is a healthy and strong 135, so I have about 13-10 (depending on the day) pounds to loose. 

I’d LOVE to have done it before my 19th - but that is incredibly unlikely! I guess we will see…