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can’t wait to get these when I get to my ugw. bullhead...

I know I don’t usually post “weight-loss” stuff like this, but bear with me.

I know a lot of people on tumblr are trying to lose weight to fit into clothes.

Your motivation is a really tight dress or a tiny pair of shorts.

While that’s nice and all, I highly encourage you to be careful. I’m not saying that all diets turn into eating disorders, but those that do develop into something more serious, it doesn’t end well.

Because honestly? It gets to a point where clothes don’t fit, and not in a good way.

The shorts in that picture are a size 00.

They don’t fit.

Because I ruined my body with nearly 4 years of malnutrition and starvation.

And that’s not pretty or dainty or sexy.

Looking like a child isn’t a good thing.

You don’t want the body of an 11 year old boy. 

Cause I actually have the body of an 11 year old. Not to be crude or anything, but I have no boobs, and no hips. And that really isn’t something to strive for. 

If you’re going to diet because you are overweight, and it is badly effecting your health, than please, go for it.

But don’t diet to get rid of curves. Because looking like a kid isn’t attractive.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to insult people who are naturally petite.

I’m just trying to discourage girls who are trying to lose weight in often unhealthy ways in an effort to fit into tiny clothes and have a small ‘dainty’ body.

Yeah, I know it’s cliche and way overused, but looking like a grownup woman with an actual body is a good thing. Love who you are. Don’t try to starve yourself smaller.


Thats what I’m telling myself- no new clothes till I’m 200 or less. I’m hoping that I can get down to this within the next 2 weeks! It’s SO hard for me to not go shopping- but I know that if I hold out I will be able to buy smaller sizes and shopping will be twice as rewarding! 

10 pounds to go! Wish me luck!

Much love!

Hi! I’m 23 years old and used to weigh 130lbs… after lots of life changes and poor diet choices I have gained over 40lbs in under 3 years. It is very embarrassing and painful but I blame no one but myself. I love to eat and I use food to fill me up when I am having any feelings that I don’t want to deal with such as: boredom…FOOD!, stress…FOOD!, loneliness…FOOD! This behavior has got to stop.


I have family coming into town the weekend of July 8th, 2011 who are very critical. This diet is not for them but the kickstart of that weekend looming over me is going to be fuel for the fire.

I am also in my first wedding (other than being a flower girl) next May as a bridesmaid and am very excited about it. This is also a huge motivation for me to lose weight.

I understand that some people reading this may think this is an unhealthy amount of weight to lose in such a short period of time but I don’t care. I plan on using this blog to document my successes (and shortfalls) while holding myself accountable to my plan and hopefully have a little fun with it!


this before pic embarasses me so much.. but at the same time comparing these two motivates me so much to keep going and never give up. & never let myself look that way again..

5’9, from 185 to 157, lost 28 lbs

a total of 39 pounds down, 10-15 more to go! 

i got this!!! :)


Starting Weight: 189.0 (Since the first day of my diet; I was 194.8 a week earlier)

Week 1: 184.4

Week 2: 181.4

Week 3: 179.8

Goal Weight: 135.0

can’t wait to get these when I get to my ugw. bullhead hermosa super skinnies. mmm.