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binge binge binge

Lunch/Breakfast: Egg, toast and raspberries

Dinner: Pasta with marinara sauce and strawberries

Snack: Popcorn, grapes

Calorie Intake: 694

Calorie Output: 2365

Net Calories: -1554

I never notice on days that I’ve eaten less until I calculate my calories, it feels like I’m eating the same amount.

Going running at 6am :)

I’ve realized how important running is. My friend from work has been running everyday and eating what she wants, but choosing healthier foods and has been looking and feeling better than ever. (that’s not her though^ haha)

She has a healthy glow to her, her body is toning up in a beautiful healthy curvy way and she truly looks amazing.

Stay strong and push yourself to get off the sofa or out of bed and go running. You girls are all so beautiful and I want you to feel it too :)

another face change proof :) 

me -66lbs, in less than a year :)

it is worth it so yeah :)

can’t wait to weigh myself tomorrow morning. hope its not a let down. so close to hitting 66kg - i was 67.2 this morning, and i ate really well and killed myself at body pump today. increased my weights for squats and triceps like i mentioned, and it was absolutely fine! i’ve quadrupled the weight i use on the squat track since i started doing pump properly only a couple of weeks ago! i’m getting stronger. never been able to see/feel it like this before.

have moroccan oil all through my hair as a treatment and it smells DELICIOUS.

another face change proof :) 

me -66lbs, in less than a year :)

it is worth it so yeah :)

breakfast: oatmeal with banana, egg beaters and almond butter(200)
lunch(on the go): wrap with 1 tbsp cream cheese and tomato(150), cheese stick(70), yogurt(80)
snack: almonds(100), apple(80)
dinner: clam chowder(200), strawberries(50)
snack: sugar free hot coco(25)
TOTAL: 1055+error

To anybody out there on this weight loss journey I just want to reach out. I feel so alone, isolated, depressed, & distraught. I find myself crying almost every night now thinking all those years I messed up my journey. I’m now at the point where I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve restarted this journey over the last 5 years and have only managed to get bigger. I recently saw the guy I like at my cpr renewal course & when I got home I couldn’t help but break down and cry about how hopeless my chances are. He only knows a minute portion of just how much I adore him yet all my efforts so far have been unsuccessful. I feel as if every part of me is in pieces. Academically, emotionally, physically, socially….and not to talk of a nonexistent love life which has lasted over a year now. I deserve to be happy and confident. I need to prove that I can conquer my fears. I need this. I need him.

I am stronger than this shit. I will lose weight.

Pull yourself together girl, not again. 

Yes, this weekend was shocking in terms of food. But starting right now I’m going to be back onto eating healthy and hitting the gym Monday to Friday. I was doing well, in a messed up kind of way, I don’t want to keep hovering around this weight, I still have so far to go.