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29. Goals for the next 30 days.

I absolutely love seeing pictures of before and afters (or durings). It is refreshing to see REAL people accomplish their weight loss goals. Seeing other people succeed gives me strength and motivation. It also makes me genuinely happy. =)

Can’t wait to have my own before and after.

Diet pizza! Kind of weird, but it was good! Haha.

  • 90 Calorie Flatout Wrap
  • Broccoli
  • SmartDog Vegetarian Hot Dog
  • Banana Peppers
  • Ragu Sauce
  • Kraft fat free Mozzarella
  • Reduced fat Feta

315 calories. 33g carbs. 5g fat. 40g protein.

I’m loosing weight like a champ 

So my goal of not eating fast food has failed. It’s hard to avoid it when you work and don’t feel like cooking…ever.

I’ve been slacking on working out too. I’ve been either busy and/or tired. I have a bad feeling I will not meet my weight loss goal for this month.

A pair of vegan Toms will be my reward when I weigh 199 lbs. 20 lbs to go :)

Pounds: 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 G1(135) 134 133 132 131 G2(130) 129 128 127 126 maybe someday (125)

Kilos: 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59

WOW!!! I really can’t remember the last time I hit under 140 without it shooting back up to 140 in a day!!! This time it’s gong to keep coming off because it’s a lifestyle change and I’m determined to be the best me  I can be! :


A loss of 0.5lbs in a week! What the fuck? 
I’m eating like 900cals max now but I’m exercising double (i burn over 1000cals a day now) so…
Mabie my body isn’t used to it yet?

Should I weigh myself again on Sunday or something? :s
Am I plateau-ing? :s  

About the shakes, I just want to make something clear to those who complain about my desicions. I drink them for the nutrition and protein, YES, but mostly I just drink them because 1) I don’t have to think about what to eat when I get hungry and 2) I won’t binge on loads of stuff at the dinner table, I’ll have my shake and know just how many calories I had.

I have never had a good relationship to food, it’s all in or nothing. So in order to keep my eating and anxiety under control, I drink shakes. No worries. So this is not so much about the nutrition. That is all. xx

Just weighed myself.


5 days ago I was 126.6.

I haven’t eaten more than 1400 calories a day and worked out every. single. day.

What the FUCK! That must ALL be water because there’s no way I’ve eaten 7000 extra calories in 5 days! I know it won’t all be fat but seeing a gain and everything, it’s still pretty disheartening.


Might as well do this before I go to sleep.

It’s down to the last two questions and boy, are they boring! I will have to start another challenge after this is over, one that touches on some hard-hitting subjects. I like answering good questions.


Well, I haven’t really thought about what I want to accomplish over the next 30 days. Actually, I do know one thing. I want to lose more weight and maintain a healthy diet. I guess that’s two things, but whatever. But yes, I am doing well. I have been at 170 for the past couple days. I feel like I’m stuck, but I’m trying not to get discouraged.

I just saw that, for my height of 5’2”, my ideal weight would be 125lbs. I’ll shoot for that (NOT within 30 days, that’s just absurd) and see if it makes me happy. To be honest, 169 would make me happy right about now. Just get me out of the 170s! I think I can lose three to four pounds in a week, so I’ll shoot for a loss of around 15 for the month. Sounds good!

Oh! Within the next 30 days, I will be going on vacation! So, another goal is to have a good, restful, fun vacation.

Since it is summer vacation and since I am a college graduate, I don’t feel obligated to make too many goals for the next month. I do have one more: to make some progress on my search for a REAL career.

1. Lose more weight.
2. Maintain healthy diet.
3. Have a great vacation.
4. Make progress in career search.

There you have it.

One more day of this challenge!