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I did great today.  I went to WalMart and bought me a food scale so that I can actually weight out certain foods.  I watched this video on YouTube once that showed how using a measuring cup for some food is actuall wrong, and made a BIG difference. 

I only ate about 850 calories today, which isn’t good, but I woke up so late that breakfast and morning snack time were already passed.  I’m not down with the whole starvation thing, but I didn’t want to stuff my self the the calories I missed this morning.

I spent alot of time online today researching different diets and dieting techniques.  This whole starvation diet sounds ridiculous to me.  Going days at a time without eating is obviously unhealthy.  I can’t imagine how painful that may be. (But that’s just my opinion). 

Sometimes I wonder if i will successfully lose all this weight.  I know there are so many people that try dieting over and over and are unsuccessful, then there are a few that manage to get it off and keep it off.  This is the biggest obstacle that I think i’ve faced in my life… I’m not used to failing at anything, which is why i’m sure that I can do this. 

~DAY 2~  Menu

Lunch- Instant grits with 2 eggs - 225cals

Snack - Special K Strawberry Bar - 90cals

Dinner - Cabbage Soup - 119cals

Snack - 2 bagels with cream cheese and 1/2 grapefruit - 385

-7:30 am: eat melon, banana, and yogurt 
-7:45 am: walk the dog
-9 am: run
-11 am: eat kale salad
-2 pm: workout with my bestie 
-3:30 pm: post workout protein shake
-5:30 pm: bootcamp (circuit training)
-7:30 pm: fro-yo with the ladies

sounds pretty good. 

I need to buy my own scale so I can know for sure how much I weigh. Using other people’s or random scales in random places doesn’t work, because it only gives me an idea of how much I weigh, since every scale is different. I used to fluctuate between 117 and 122. Now I’m 127, but this was done on a scale at an aquarium (yeah, I don’t know why there was a scale there) about a month ago. I wish I could just know for certain my own weight just by wanting to know.

now shower and sleeeeeeep
me so tired.
gotta babysit in the morning.

Today was pretty good, minus a few things it wasn’t all that bad.

But now I’m fucked. I didn’t stick with my diet at all today, I didn’t eat a shit load of food but the food I did eat was shit. I know I went over my calorie limit. I didn’t do my situps this morning because I was at sarah’s. I fucking hate my life. I was almost to lost eight pounds and now i probally gained a pound or two back.

Why is this so fucking hard?!

Most people by now could have lost like fifteen lbs, but no not me. And if I eat one fucking thing that’s bad for you it throws everything off.

I’m telling you if my mom’s right about me having a thyroid problem and when I go back there for that check up and I have to get more bloodwork done because I have a thyroid problem I’m going to have to shoot fucking someone. Why can’t they just give me medicine and get it over with?! They do it any other fucking time.

And fucking the whole lupus thing, that’s bullshit.

“Yeah.. so you’re blood paletes or however the fuck you spell them are low and your mom has been diagnosed with lupus for over 35 years now and everything and it’s completely genetic but instead of trying to stop it and prevent it now and fix it were just gonna wait a couple months and then see how you’re doing.”


I work nights, so I’m usually on a day sleeping schedule.

I have a few people to text during the day, but it kills me that everyone is asleep when I’m awake at 2 in the morning, starring at my fridge with lustful eyes.

also: done spamming you guys with text posts for now.

Gotta go work :c

Project Lose It- Day 3UPDATE: 

Hey guys, Day 3!  I think today could have went a whole lot better if my mom didn’t bring me Wendy’s for dinner.  But eh, I still worked out. 

The workout log:



Goal for today: 500cals

As you can see I didn’t get any where close to the goal.  But I blame my muscles.   They are really hurting right now and I almost think I need to take some muscle relaxer.  I guess they are just not used to it.  

But yes, I needed up doing 20mins this morning and just did a 40min walk.  I could have gone longer but my legs were killing me.  I was basically dragging myself. 


Food Log (rly bad today)

B: tbsp of peanut butter

L: Hot pocket and a Mt. Dew (yeah not the best lunch one should eat, but I’m sure I’ll burn it off today, and besides I WAS HUNGRY!) 

D: Wedney’s Chicken sandwich and Tea. 

Tomorrow’s goal: eat better

When I really try, I think I’m really pretty.

When I look at my best pictures, I imagine how gorgeous I’ll be when I lose the weight and I smile

Second day seemed quicker. I can feel the burn, though! Who has made it through the entire cycle? Let me know how it was!!