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my butt hurts.

And it’s all Jillian’s fault! Haha nahh I don’t hate her yet, but give it some time and I reckon I’ll cringe every time I hear her voice! I finished my first day of the 30 day shred and it was pretty tough. By the end, my arms were shaking and my butt feels like it’s going to fall off.

Like the cool kid I am, I used cans of peaches for my hand weights since I don’t own any (yet! my boyfriend has pretty pink ones he found in his room so tomorrow I’m going to steal them off him!) The peaches were only 825g each and I think Jillian uses 5 pound weights so next time it’ll be a bit harder.

As well as 30DS, I also did 80 more crunches, 50 bicycle crunches, 40 reverse crunches and 40 toe taps.

Had a pretty healthy day too:

  • Breakfast: 1/3 cup of porridge with brown sugar and non-fat milk
  • Lunch: Chicken wrap with avocado and a smidgen of sour cream. I also had an apple
  • Afternoon snack: 2 slices of orange
  • Dinner: Lamb cutlets (2 very small ones with the fat cut off), roast pumpkin, beans, capsicum, wilted spinach and mashed potato
  • Dessert: Vanilla ice cream with honey and banana

I was planning on doing C25K W2D1 today as well but I slept in til like 12:30 and ran out of time. I did manage to go for a half hour walk with my mum and little sister though.

Tomorrow I plan to do the C25K and 30DS then I’m heading off to the boyfriend’s house for dinner and to watch him play basketball. Fingers crossed they have something healthy for dinner!

Hope you all had a wonderful day :)
