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WIT: 6/28 (and June goal reflection)

Last week my plan was to start Turbo Jam at the same time as I finish off the last month and a half of P90X - but you know what? This is my first time through P90X since I had the baby. Hell, this is my first time off the COUCH and being ACTIVE since I had the baby. Let’s be realistic. Core Synergistics today kicked my butt and the reality is that Cardio Party isn’t going to happen, not it I want to push through and do the BEST on the P90X workouts. So Turbo Jam is getting put on the shelf until next week in an official sense. Which doesn’t mean I won’t do a few workouts here and there, but I’m not going to officially start until I’m done with P90X, at which point I think I’d rather do Turbo Fire, so if anyone wants to buy Turbo Jam from me, let me know. I may be up for selling it :-)

Otherwise the workout was great. I’m stronger than I was the last time I did it, which means the walking push ups and even the staggered push ups were not only possible, but I was able to count how many I could do. In addition, because I’m eating better, I felt better doing it. Score!

My son, who is amazing, and wonderful, and marvelous (as you’ve no doubt gathered), woke up just as I started. So I gathered him up and he crawled around my Supermanning / Bananing body. Then he crawled around me, chewed on blocks, laughed at me, and tried to mimic me. It’s good times and they were had by all. I am blessed with a good natured baby, but that doesn’t mean he sleeps through my workouts :-)

I hope you’re sticking to the workouts you’re set on doing and if you’re considering P90X or Turbo Jam or even Shakeology - shoot me an email or a message. I’m happy to let you know my thoughts. I’m down 20 pounds from the start and feel amazing. I want the same for you.

Thanks for reading!





Decided to create a new blog dedicated the journey of my healthy transformation, including motivational and inspirational shiznit. I’ll admit that a timid sensation occurs at the thought of a fellow student or friend discovering my obsessive curiosity and engagement within fitspos and thinspos, which is why i’m constructing a fresh blog in hopes of them not finding out…otherwise i may just cry a little inside.
 I’m not sure why the dominant feeling of insecurity rushes in.. probably because I find it to be more of an autonomous and personal thing, but of course I don’t mind exposing this side of myself to a whole bunch of strangers.

i don’t know what’s making me say it, but, i feel as if i’ve been in a funk… not exercise-wise because i’m doing great with that. i still haven’t had the energy or should i say, the want to jog on my alternating days. being in florida this time of year is just ridiculous. between the heat, humidity and the ever-constant, yet sporadic rain, it’s almost impossible for it to be decent enough for a great run. between october through march is great, but, not so during the summer months. i guess it’s work and the lack of sleep. i don’t feel completely rested when i have to be up. which makes me irritable.

i went over on my points yesterday. again, no big deal. i still have some left from my weekly queue. although, i did kind of feel like a failure for doing so. i used 42 pts instead of my daily allotted 34. it kind of makes me feel like i won’t lose weight this week. but, i don’t want to slip into that mind frame because then i’ll go way over and really not lose.

anyway, even though i feel that way, i can really tell that the dvd workout i’m doing is working! i can see a big difference in my arms - less flab, more muscle tone. and my things. i definately have more muscle there. it encourages me. part of me just wants to be thin, forget the muscle tone, but, then i know that the more muscle you get the more calories you burn while resting. proven fact! so, i continue to work out. i need to get a bit heavier of weights for certain parts of the workout!!

so, i’ve discovered that i’m ok with following a diet for a few weeks, then i get bored. does that happen to anyone else? is anyone else doing weight watchers? i can follow it to a T for those twor or so weeks then i don’t know what to eat. i get tired of making the same thing or microwaving all the same meals. it just gets OLD. yeah, there are a ton of fruits out there to eat or try that are zero points, but, what if i don’t like it? or what if i do? and then the season is wrong. i know, i’m going into way too much detail about nothing here. haha.

but, seriously, i need to recipes and some other quick snack ideas. please!

The scales. I need to not weigh myself until the end of this week. Usually it helps give me an extra push every day but the past two days have just made me cry. Which is DUMB. I know it’s just a number and the scales are evil AND I’m doing the things I need to do to make my body healthier. I just don’t feel any difference and now I can’t even see any difference. Stupid fucking fucker of a fuckity fuck fuck scales.

Only 1 more pound away from my first GW! :O

Do you guys have have little rewards for every GW you achieve? Do you think it helps motivate you? What are some of your rewards?

I went to weigh in this morning, totally expecting to gain. It is Gain Week after all. (I used to gain/lose at a bi-weekly rhythm for whatever reason.) I was pleasantly surprised when I did not only lose, but I lost 1.4 lb! I’ve reached my 5% goal at Weight Watchers (again – after having to start over after my relocation to the US) and I nearly made it to my June goal: