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My first day back at the gym, IM PUMPED. :D

And if I accidentally shout‘fuck you’ don’t take it personally. I just hate you.

I started the beginner course today on the wii,

It was just a 20 minute work-out but I actually felt like it was doing something and that it could be something I could very well keep up if I get up early enough on a morning before I go to my boyfriends house.

It kind of works your brain as well as your body which is good, having to think about what you are doing etc. but I really enjoyed it :)

Now I dont really have weight to lose per say… but I do need to tone and I do think that this will work!

Super happy :)

Good morning Monday! Yesterday it was too hard to plan my meals because I was eating with family and didn’t know what I was going to eat or when or how much. But today I am back on track and planning all of my meals and snacks. 

I’m kicking off the week like I usually do, with an egg-white omelette and some good coffee. I seem to need something sweet at the end of each meal so I’m trying to always have strawberries on hand  and have one of those instead of something naughty! 

My Omelette: 

  • 1/3 c egg white
  • 1/4 c tomato
  • 1/4 c chopped bell pepper
  • 1 tbsp chopped onion 
  • 1/8 c kidney beans
  • 1/4 c fat-free cottage cheese
  • ketchup
  • 1 tsp nutritional yeast flakes
  • salt + pepper

So satisfying, and under 200 kcals! Sometimes I add a slice of vegetarian bacon chopped up. 

Well. Fell of the wagon again. When did weightloss get this hard? I don’t remember it being this hard. My downfall this time? Homemade birthday cake and beer. And two free work dinners with set menus in one week

My problem is. If it’s there, I can’t stop myself. I properly can’t. It’s compulsive. If there is food/drink on the table in front of me I get occupied by a latent spirit that shoves the unhealthy goodness into my open and waiting mouth. 

But, I started this fine Monday morning with a big bowl of porridge and a banana and i’m feeling good. I moved house this weekend (again, sigh) and I think the new conditions are good for weightloss. For the last month I was living with my best friend in a very “share and share alike” situation. She’d make dinner and leave me some. She’d buy some sweets and offer me some and tell me to help myself. I’d come home and she’d have a huge, delicious meal waiting for me. And it was all so lovely but not good for weightloss. The new apartment is with strangers, Italians, and I doubt very much it’s going to be the same help yourself vibe (at least I hope not). So hopefully this will be good for my language skills and my body. 

Oh, by the way, I didn’t move houses for weight loss (in case it seemed that way). Her father is working in America for the summer and her mum was over there with him, so I was keeping her company in the empty house. But, her mum doesn’t like the place so she’s coming back early. No more chill time with the best friend and no more free rent = sad face. 

Hope you’re all doing well. I assure you even though i’m not posting as much I am trying my best to keep up with all your blogs. 


If I want to get out of it completely (meaning, if I want to leave the gym), I have to write a letter stating so and hand it in at the beginning of July. 

All things considered, I go to a really good gym—but I think it’s time I check out some new ones. 

This week, I will go gym-hopping! Ha! 

Basically, I will check out some gyms in my town, maybe a couple in the next town over (where my aunt lives) and see what’s up. 

I’ve heard of some really good gyms with better rates than the one I go to (it costs me about $50 a month and I’ve heard of a few other good ones that cost about half of that) and since my college’s fees sort of went up this year, I think I am gonna have to go check out some new gyms regardless of if I want to or not (which I sort of want to, anyway). 

In the end, a gym is a gym, so… Guess we’ll see how that goes! 

Wish me luck in my search! :) 

I loved my vacation but in the end it was really hard to keep all my healthy habits up. We ate out more, etc.

And I weighed in today I was 93,1kg. 2 kilos gained.. :D

BUT! I swear I look skinnier than 3 weeks ago, even though the gain! :)

And now I can back to my healthy life again. Plus working out!! Though I hurt my ankle in the plane yesterday so I have to take it easy for a while.

Anyways I’m back.

thats right i have booyah :) very happy - still got a long way to go but definately getting there!

Cravings for food

whilst in too much pain to work out :’(

Who would have ever thought 8 days would be so hard?! I took yesterday off from 30DS and came back to level 2 today. OMFG—That bitch is crazy. I was yelling all sorts of curse words at the tv this morning. Poor neighbors. lol Ok so I couldn’t do like any of the moves. Its different from level 2 because she doesn’t actually show you what your doing first…you just do it. It took me a few reps to actually grasp the motion of the move. I HATE the fact that most of the strength is combined with cardio! As a result I found myself stopping and panting and not even making the full range of movement. Thats what I get for not starting out with a cup of coffee right? Oh and I HATE HATE HATE HATE lunges and plank. I always change the moves to a squat or bicycle crunches and this whole level is based around plank. 

I ended up cheating yesterday. I had left over mexican which I don’t think was too terrible. It was an enchilada filled with re-fried beans and beef. lettuce on top and a dab of sour cream. The kicker was dustin brought home an entire box of mrs. fields cookies…and i ate 3 of the damn things. like 18g of carbs and 200 cal a piece! We had a veggie kashi pizza and a big garden salad for dinner…I ate too much of that pizza but it only ended up being about 40 carbs total with the salad. I’m under on carbs but over on calories.I was just SO hungry yesterday…idk why??

I MUST get back into the game today! I put the cookies in his car lol I wont be tempted if I don’t see them. I’m trying to decide what to pack for lunch, gotta stop and get more lettuce again. I was considering a sandwich with a veggie platter—no dressing—like cucumbers, green peppers, and some carrots. Tonight will probably be left over chicken and asparagus with steamed cauliflower and carrots (its a steam fresh bag). Ive noticed that were tag teaming dinner now…He does the meat and I do the veggies, at least until he learns what I’m suppose to eat proportion wise.

Still no major side effects from spiro, other then my IBS is flaring up but honestly thats because of my stress level. When I’m REALLY stressed it gets awful…so I’m trying to chill out. I’m doing homework all this week…and exercising. This weekend I can relax a little—4th of July weekend and all. I get the 4th off paid so I think I’m gonna save that day off paid for the beach…I can always use extra cash. lol

Well thats it for today. Happy Monday and exercising to all my tumblrs.

Ps. the only way I can figure out how to enable comments is a question…so there?

My first day back at the gym, IM PUMPED. :D