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After saying countless times that I am going to start something, I’ve decided tomorrow will be the most ideal day to do it. Yes a Saturday- weird I know right, an odd day to start a workout regime, a new life philosophy, and being a whole new person? Well yes I agree. But I decided that Saturday…tomorrow, is perfect. Two days before work starts and it will get me pumped. A few days before vacation, and it will allow me to stay on track while I am soaking up the rays in Aruba- and running on the beach there. It will give me precisely 8 weeks before going back to school, that is two months. Two months to change my life with a few tweaks here and there. Two months before I begin an intense Master’s program, and make a new life for myself, hopefully with a job on the side. Two months. I can do it. Motivation and determination baby.  I got this. 


Turkey burgers, side of guac, and green beans - 8 pointsplus

So today was interesting, I wen’t out for a jog this morning, just casually moving along ya know how we do. Anyways I got to the end of my road turned right, and low and behold, a grizzly bear is staring at me from 20 yards away. I sware, in that one moment I almost pissed myself. I had to think what I was taught in elementry school. my mental process went a little like “ok not stop, drop and roll. Don’t stand tall, and don’t run.” obviously I wanted to run so much but I sped walked down a side street and when I was out of the sight of the bear, I don’t think I’ve ever ran that fast in my entire life. scariest thing ever! unfortunately I only got half a mile in. good news is I found out I can run half a mile straight… with the right motivation.

Me…. April ‘09 and June ‘11 (last weekend, to be exact.  Posted a few days ago to my other (random/personal) tumblr as well.

So I guess I lost weight in my hands too….? Sounds wierd, but this ring used to not go past my second knuckle, and now its too big? Hey, I’ll take it!

Ignore the fact that my nails aren’t painted, I’m doing them RIGHT NOW.

Day 9 - Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?

Let’s recall a few.

“Hey Brittany, did you put on some weight or is that a tire under your shirt?”

-some dick from high school

“Wow, you’re looking a bit pudgy, maybe you should skip the fettucini tonight.”


“Once you lose weight, you’re going to be so pretty!”


“You’re fat so you’re ugly!”

-sister’s friend (age 6)

“Get away from me, fat whale”

-Max from middle school

the list goes on. 

Day 09 of 30DS: 

I STILL can’t do all of it. I feel like a loser. I can’t do all those push-ups, I just can’t do it yet. I fucking hate moving on in a routine before I can do 100% of it, but I can’t hold myself back. :[ Anyone else have this problem?

Tonight was the second night that I did Zumba! This exercise didn’t seem as difficult to do, but maybe that’s how Zumba works? Or maybe I’m just awesome and I’m getting more endurance? Haha. Who knows.

I know in a post earlier, I said no cake for me tonight for my mom’s birthday, and well, I kept that promise, but I did delve into some brownies & ice cream that we had. Blah. I was glad to Zumba at least a piece of that off right away.

For now I’ve been doing the 20 minute workout classes, but maybe I’ll eventually step it up to the 40 minute classes. I can see that being quite a workout. We’ll see. I do feel better for having done it again tonight, though! It really is fun!

I don’t know how to get my mom to become healthy with me. I’m so terrified that she’s going to die from a stroke or heart attack. Not just because she doesn’t eat right. She doesn’t even have a whole lot of weight to lose. She’s beautiful. But she smokes. She’s stressed out. She’s a bad insomniac. & she barely eats at all. She snacks more than she eats regular food, but for breakfast & lunch she’s rarely hungry. The other day, I made her breakfast without asking her, just so she would have to eat something. & then I packed her lunch. I’ve asked her to please stop smoking around me because I have asthma & I’m allergic to cigarette smoke. She doesn’t smoke in the house at all anymore. She finally quit doing that when every time she’d light up, I’d run into the room thinking there was a fire somewhere. But she still smokes in the car. I’m trying to get her quit doing that too, but she won’t listen. I just wish she’d quit. I bought her a book last year to help to quit. She read it, but apparently it didn’t help. /: If anything were to happen to her, I’d have no one. Although we argue sometimes, I love her to death (no pun intended) & want her to be around for a really long time. Blauuhh! Help!

Also, no exercise for me tonight. I guess tonight will be my rest night. I’ll exercise sometime tomorrow since Mom will be here to help with the yard sale. 
Weigh in is Monday. I hope I’ve lost at least one pound. I’d be happy with 2 or 3 pounds for sure though! Haha. I’ve been eating lots of fruit. It’s my favorite. Especially in the summer. I don’t think there’s a fruit that I don’t like…out of the ones I’ve tasted anyway. I need to try more veggies now. I keep trying tomatoes, & I just don’t like them. But I want to like them so bad! I’m starting to like cucumber a little bit. It’s just an odd taste. It freaks my taste buds out! I like lettuce. I like spinach. I need to try some celery again. I love green beans. Clearly I’m picky with my veggies. That’s one reason it’s been so hard for me to lose weight. I never knew how to eat right…I never likes vegetables. So now I just keep trying to make myself like them. Hopefully it will work!
I wish I could like fish too. /: I like chicken. Boneless, skinless chicken. It’s my favorite. That’s enough about foods that I like!

Oh! I watched Blue Valentine tonight. I think that’s what it’s called. It broke my heart & made me really sad! I hate when movies do that to me! I hated the ending. But I love Ryan Gosling. He’s beautiful.  

Now I’m sitting in bed listening to Ryan Bingham. Yay! (:

Sweet dreams.


PS: Don’t feel like proofreading..sorry for any grammatical errors. Haha! 


  • Honey Bunches of Oats w/2% milk= 163


  • Tossed salad with vinegar= 65


  • 1/2 cup Apple crisp= 150
  • Mango= 135
  • 1 slice of vanilla cake no icing= 350-ish


  • 1 slice of Sam’s Club pepperoni pizza= 380

Total: 1243


  • Elliptical 50 min= 675
  • 1/2 hour walk= 155
  • Bicep curls
  • Overhead tricep extensions

Total Burned: 830

It would have been a better day food wise if my mom hadn’t come home from work with cake that she got during an employee birthday party :P But we finished the leftover pizza in the fridge so I won’t be eating too much of that anymore either :)

They are making potato salad and fried chicken… I have nothing else to eat… :( it’ll be yummy but I’ll exercise tonight just in case… I don’t know :(