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Do Easy Tone/ Shape- up Shoes work?

I really think all it will ever come down to is self-control

of course once you get an addiction to sugar you need a greater amount of self control

but how bad do you want it? once you reach your weight loss goal or are happy with your body will you give in?

weight: 172.2 pounds

today i woke up, took my adderall, and suddenly had a huge intense craving for icing, and if there’s anything i don’t buy, it’s icing. so i made it. it tasted pretty bad. i had about three teaspoons before i got sick of it and down the drain it went.

i saw a bag of trader joe’s vegan fried rice in the freezer. i had an urge to make it, so i did. i added an egg and broccoli to it. i ate a few bites while cooking it, it’s pretty good, but i decided not to eat it.

around 3:00 i had a bag of sour octopus, totaling 300 calories.

for dinner i had a half sandwich with corned beef and cole slaw. i’ll finish it in a little bit with a big glass of water.

i’m going to estimate my caloric intake today at about 900 calories.

ugh, me.. i don’t look like this pictures lie. i am much larger, but this is me currently

Im still new to tumblr, but i feel like im slowly starting to get the hang of it. Today was EXHAUSTING. summer camp was really brutal I dont know why but whenever im the leader of the group of 12 year olds they NEVER want to listen. and they think they know everything. Its slightly draining, but the great thing is they are great at games so playing with them is fun. Second day of bootcamp was great. I hate getting up but theres something so beautiful about working out with the dawn.


B: half a banana, and low fat granola with vanilla fat free yogurt-205

L:smoked turkey with cheese on 45 cal bread-250, strawberrys-35.clementine-45, pop chips-100

S: 130,70 drink

D: Salad with fat free balsemic vinegrette on side-230, grilled chicken -300

S:bread white butter ( i know) 200


im trying to keep it to 1200, but I ate pretty healthy so i think it will work out


1 hour of knock out basketball ( we play a version were your running) 1/2 of badmitton

1 hour of boot camp.

When I was a kid, I wasn’t overweight. I ran. I played soccer. I played basketball. I played football in the front yard with my big brother. I was long and lean and lanky; my mom had the hardest time finding pants that fit my waist and were long enough to cover my ankles.

Then junior high happened and puberty happened. I naively gave people my confidence and self-esteem, and they beat it to a pulp. So I stopped exercising and started eating, hidden away from the world.

And now, years later as I crawl out from under wreckage, I am overweight. I am obese.

I want to run again.

I can remember how it felt. How much I loved it. How much I—only in hindsight—wish I had never stopped running when I was thirteen. I loved how you could run and forget everything except for your breathing and the way your muscles felt as they moved. I loved seeing how far I could push myself through the fatigue before finally calling it quits. I love how accomplished I felt after every lap, every mile.

Running creeps into my dreams at night. Running slips into my daydreams. Running comes as a passing thought continually throughout the day.

And now, one of my best friends—who is slightly overweight—has come to me talking about running and how much she wants to try it because the people who do it love it, and how, if I was interested, maybe we could try running together.

Running has officially become almost everything I think about.

I perused the internet earlier this evening for tips on how to start running as someone overweight, and I stumbled across the C25K plan. I like the C25K plan. It’s incremental. It’s manageable. You can take it at your own pace. And, if anything, it will at least get me off of the couch and out of my self pity.

me today, before tanning. i hate my legs.

one on left is 180, one on right 160

left 160 right 180

left 160, right 180


  • nutrigrain bar - 140
  • apple chips - 40
  • water
  • 1 cup strawberries - 50
  • 1 cup collard greens - 50
  • 1 slice pizza - 150
  • fiber one bar - 140
  • 2 avocado roll - 180
  • salmon roll - 120
  • 3 oz salmon - 150
  • 1 cup green beans - 40
  • shrimp - 80
  • water
  • 2 veggie straw bags - 260

total = 1350

My mother is supporting my life style change and buying me these babies so I can start C25K with real running shoes (since I don’t own any). What a woman! I’m telling you guys my mom is greattt.

Ps. Can we talk about how much I like these shoes?

okay so were all on this journey to weight loss and we’ve all seen the shape-ups and easy tone commercials for the shoes and clothes and i was wondering if they really work? cause i would love to use them when you know im taking a hike or when im on the go and dont have time to work out. any one else wonder too? HELP!