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I just grabbed my stomach fat and shook it in anger.


But that’s really what I want to do to my head for not paying attention that I had gotten so out of hand with bad eating habits and emotional-food connected coping.

I restart my diet. I’m hoping one of these days it will stick again.

Having a good Friday so far!

UGH! My mom bought some kind of italian cake called panttoni (or however you spell it) and its so high in calories. I had a huge slice of it with hot cocoa. Shit. I ain’t gonna reach my goal of losing 2 pounds this week. It was so delicious. UGH! I’m disappointed right now.

I’m starting my diet again as of tomorrow. 12 pounds (4kgs) is all i want to lose. why is it so difficult? I will reach that goal by the end of vacation. i have to.