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Well everyone, it's summer!

Hey Ladies and Guys :] 

As you know I am not the skinniest girl and I have been looking in buying something that I would be able to wear in the summer and keep cool that wouldn’t expose my fat thighs (they won’t be fat for very long mawhaha….) and I found MAXI SKIRTS.

Maxi Skirts are a nice trend for the summer because they are usually in light fabrics and in fun colors. I feel like they can go from day to night so I decided to do a fashion post on how I wear them.

…so….this is how I wear my maxi skirts. :] 

Outfit 1 

Top - J Brand - 29.99

Maxi Skirt - Ross - 9.99 (^_^ great price!)

Belt - Express - 2.99 

Outfit 2 

Top-Foreign Exchange -16.99?

Maxi Skirt - Ross - 9.99

Belt - Metro Park - 9.99

Thanks for stopping by. 

How is everyone doing?  Have any of you reached your goal weights/ goal bodies yet?  I know i surely haven’t hahah.  Just because we’ve reached summer does.nt mean it’s time to quit though!!!   ESPECIALLY if your like me and have’t reached all of your goals yet.

Lets keep going!! 

Make NEW goals!!!

Start out with smaller ones that will be easier to achieve. Things like , Eat a healthy breakfast everyday , or Consume less calories than you burn in a day , or lose one pound in a week!

Simple things so that when you reach them you will feel that much more motivated to keep going!

I was pretty upset when I realized i wasn’t going to have  my hot, sexy , summer body that i planned on having but that is NOT going to stop me!  And it shouldn’t stop you either!


Let’s (continue to) do this!!!! 
