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things i did tonight...

I’m glad I balanced out being over calories earlier in the week, cuz I’m about 250 calories over today!!! I think I’m about to do a random work out, to try to make myself feel better about it. 

I ate a plate and a half of sushi, and you’d be surprised how much calories are in those little bastards!! I guess it’s all the rice, but jeez. I didn’t realize until after I had already smashed it, so the damage was already done =( !

But afterwards we also went to Baskin Robbins. I could have been a fat girl and gotten ice cream, but I got low fat frozen yogurt which was just as yummy and didn’t even think of seconds or anything.

Also, I think me changing my habits could also motivate my parents to get off their asses too! My mom is pre-obese and my stepdad has diabetes. We had a talk about how I’ve lost the weight and they’ve decided to give it a shot. Good luck to them!

So all in all it’s been a pretty good day. It’ll be better after my work out! Wish me luck. My butt muscles are crying right now from those squats. Hopefully my butt’ll get bigger with muscle when I keep on it ;D


lost exactly 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks. so happy. need to continue this.

Finally have a scale back, so I’ll be able to keep track more consistently.

Didn’t eat too well today though. I’m embarrassed to tell you guys what it was, but I’ll admit I was craving pizza and chocolate :/ Work was stressful today so I came home and pigged out even more. I need to learn to control myself. 

But tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I can make up for it by eating perfectly. I’m scared I’m starting to lose my motivation already. I need help keeping my willpower! 

My Plan:

  • Wake up, drink a full bottle of water, then eat egg whites, a veggie sausage and a piece of wheat toast. 
  • Go for a run, no matter what the weather. Come home, do a Nike Work Out on my phone.
  • Possibly hang out with this kid from work. ;) Hehe. If not and it’s nice out, BEACH all the way. 
  • Eat a late lunch: Chobani with Kashi Cereal, Berries and Cinnamon.
  • Keep busy until work to avoid a binge!
  • Work 6:30-10:30. Most likely WON’T go out after. Hopefully we don’t break tomorrow night so I don’t feel forced to eat, but if we do I hope we get ice cream instead of ordering food so I can just get frozen yogurt.

Jealous of all my friends seeing Taylor Swift tomorrow though :( WAH.

This was taken at a time when I was most comfortable with myself.

My face was slim, I had no back boobs, toned arms and very little stomach overhang.

I’ll be happy to be back at this by September.

She’s so fucking perfect. She is my inspiration for my body.

“there are only 2 choices: make progress or make excuses.”


ellen mikesell

which choice will you make?

 I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I once knew what it was like to be 140 pounds & I have seen the scale reach 310 pounds But i know in my heart i cannot stop my journey. I know I am beautiful but when i look in the mirror my mind says “why? Why did you let yourself go?” But i am picking myself back up & finishing this journey. Im ready to be healthy & happier than ever!

Amplify’d from paksfun.com

Healthy Diet – A Guide to Weight Loss

June 25, 2011 | Author: joegigs | Posted in Health & Fitness

Listed below are some fat loss eating plan hints that will be followed anyplace, daily:

1. Make a scrumptious reduced mayonnaise by combining 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard or satay sauce having a reduced yogurt.

Read more at paksfun.com

karaokee’d the following songs:

1. shoop by salt n pepa.

2. drop it like it’s hot by snoop dogg. and yes, i rapped the entire. substituting the bad “n” word for NINJA. caught some flack for it at first, but eventually had the entire bar goin with it.

3. “hold on” by wilson phillips because it’s the best song in the entire world and if you don’t like it then we probably aren’t friends or if we are then we probably shouldn’t be if you don’t like wilson phillips.

also, i got drinks bought for me because some guy told me i was the “meanest” girl at the bar because i wouldn’t flirt with him. when i did he still told people i was mean but then switched it to “feisty” which I can appreciate because I know I am.