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Well, hello! 

but everytime i see a post that says something along the lines of “skinny fixes everything” or “all i want is to be skinny”, etc., i just shake my head. 

your weight/appearance is just one facet of your life.

it is not everything. 

sure it does effect a lot of things, like your outlook on things and your confidence and whatnot, but there is so much more to life than your weight. 

it will not suddenly make all the boys want you.

you will not suddenly look amazing in everything. 

you will not be happy all the time. 

it is just one aspect of your life. 

sorry. i just had to say that. 

I picked up a few new followers this week.  Hi everyone!  Thanks for following me!  I always feel so giddy when someone new thinks the stuff I post is worth reading.

So… I guess all that’s left to say is, let’s go!  We’re all in this weight-loss thing together now!  I’ll help and support you any way I can :D

^ Me at my fattest. Notice the belly roll and the double chin.

926 calories burned walking 2.34 miles in 50:00 minutes.

It’s the summer.  Hot, sticky temperatures.  Staying outside without proper hydration can lead to dehydration.  No one wants to suffer the cramps from dehydration.  So, make sure to stay hydrated with frozen fruit smoothies.  Completely healthy, completely tasty, completely cold.

Smoothies are fun to play with.  You can mix pretty much anything until you find a taste you love.  One of my favorite combinations is a mixture of kiwi, watermelon, and lemon.  A sour flavor with a seedy texture, but I really like it.

Pour your smoothie mixture into small cups and freeze.  How you eat is up to you, haha.

Another idea is to add some veggies.  Just add enough so you know they’re in there, but not enough to destroy the fruit flavor.

I don’t get it. I ate a thing of whole foods fresh fruit and I went up to 109. I go to the thespian bbq, eat a veggie burger with mustard some watermelon and edamame AND WAIT IT GETS BETTER a chocolate chip cookie, two macaroons, and two brownie bites… then feel sick. So I walk for 45 minutes then come inside AND IT IS BETWEEN 107 AND 108. SCALE, WTF.

Also, I am bloated as fuck for a natural reason (hem hem) which is just lovely. I adore feeling like a whale. Although it does account for a lot of my angst and emotions this past week….

Excited to see my cousin tomorrow, then Jackson later that evening maybe catch a movie? (this is how I’m asking him haha). I miss you a lot, btw, on my walk I took an instagram of the distant shore on which you reside. 

I’m so pathetic I don’t even understand why I have followers. Please don’t leave me. :(


So that i can wear the most ridiculous, outrageous, fucked up things, and nobody can say SHIT, cuz i still look damn good.

I’d wager that mindset is the most important part of this.

Well, hello! 

Caitlin: 18

Trying to be healthy.