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Crocheting New Plans

So now my exams are done, and so is my college life. The one question that is the most asked is-NOW WHAT? I dont know aunty-ji-that-I-just met! Actually I DO know, but explaining to you about how I want to do fashion communication and then further explain what that is and then on top of that get your disapproval since its too 'frivolous' a career path, is just not on top of my list at the moment. Sorry aunty ji. You will have to make do with -pata nahi-dekhte hai.

Anyway, I am looking (hunting/begging/scavenging) for an internship and I went for my first interview/metting today.
Hopefully things will fall in place.

Whatever does happen, will happen in July. I want to chill in June (as if I have been doing anything ELSE since my 12th boards!)

So I was really kicked about how I am going to do a post on what to-wear-to-an-internship- interview etc but then when I took some pictures, I realized I might have underplayed it a little too much. But I curled my hair, and they looked nice, or so I would like to believe :)

Although it IS pretty clear what I am wearing. 

I wore a printed camisole which is from wet seal

On top of it I wore a crochet top. Yes yes CROCHET. This trend wasnt very appealing to me either. Too grandma like.

But I found this one at Sarojini Nagar (where else right?) and decided I would give it a shot. I think it was 300-350. For a price like that, I didnt mind buying it.Actually no, I DID mind, because I wasnt sure about the whole crochet thing. But my mother insisted. Well she WAS the one who was paying-who am I to argue?

Her theory is that crochet is pretty expensive since it has such intricate work.

ANYWAY, so I wore it today. It looks a little formal-ish

I just bought these earings at Forever21 and they are SO cute!

Bow Pendant- Forever 21

I don`t really like the buttons on this one. I think I am going to get some pearl ones.

I want to do a lot of things this month:

* Learn how to DRIVE. I`am 21 now, and it`s about time! I am totally going to do this. I have been putting it off since i was 18! 

*Get some clothes MADE. Yes like take designs from the net-specially from places like ZARA and copy them. I am going to do a whole post on that actually.

*Volunteer at an animal shelter

*Work on the blog shop- If you havnt visited The Classy & Fabulous Blog Shop please do. And spread the word to your friends maybe? Or just give me some kind of feedback, I will very much appreciate it. I made my first sale today :)

So anyway that was a random, whats been up sort of a post. What are your summer plans?