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Erggh I wish I didn’t love food so much.

Do you not think I already know that?

done within 10 months.

these were on my progress blog but i figure i might as well just put them on here

first pic is prob close to 190 (in march)….second is 161.8 (6/15/11), i’m 5’9”

cannot believe I used to be that big…..ew. the shorts in the second pic haven’t fit me since senior year of hs (two years ago…idt they even fit this well back then)…but I don’t like the fat at the top of my thighs in them =( ughh still so much to work on!

if you have any suggestions on what I can do to help tone, especially my thighs and stomach, let me know!

ps. this was all done with eating right and exercising!! 

To everyone following me, wether you pay attention to my posts or not. I came on here to subscrube to people and just record my eating and progress. I never expected to get any followers….today I hit 100!!!

I am soooo amazed by this, you have no idea. Just knowing that 100 people may see my progress or failure makes me so much more determind to do this. I don’t want that many people knowing I’m a fat failure.

So again, thank you all of you!!!!

2 medium apples, 1 serving light laughing cow cheese, 42g cracker barrel old cheddar, 1 rainbow m&m cookie, 1 large chocolate chip muffin, 1 tuna sandwich

Workout: Ran 4 miles at 5.3 mph, 1 hour elliptical

Comments: could have switched up the muffin and cookies for something else…

Being on tumblr all the time is bad if I’m not getting up and being active.

So what do I do? I made a blog specifically to monitor and track weight loss.

This way I can write daily and feel accomplished.

I’ve already gotten off quite a bit of weight, but I’m nowhere near my desired weight, granted that will probably take a good while. I’ve also stopped trying, so I’ve just been staying at the same weight.

I’m ready to do this!

I forgot to post my Garmin data:


My run pace is getting faster (down to 6:30/k when in internval) and my heart rate is stabilising at 165 or so when I’m going for it now. Although I did go nuts right at the end when I had a big rush of energy and wanted to have a run…

Today was my weigh-in day at WW, and I very annoyingly slept through my alarm and missed it! Grrr, angry with myself for this. I weighed in at home, and the scale said 139 lbs. Down two pounds, awesome! Also, this would make it exactly 10 lbs lost! 

However, my scale and the scale at WW are a little off, so I’ve recorded my weight as 140 just to be safe, so I’m not disappointed next week. Still, feeling so good. 

Off to the gym!  

I had slimming world this morning, put weight on - expected it though cause I ate loads of cake and went out for dinner last week. You call keep posting pictures of cake and it’s making me want it! Haha!
But anyway I’m trying hard this week, and already I’ve done good today :)

On another note i’ve been trying to “determine my face shape” like all day! I’m getting my hair cut on Saturday but not alot off cause I want to keep it long! But I really wanted to be sure my face shape was right for this hair, it appears my face is oval? It’s either oval or heart. SO CONFUSED!

But yeah, work tomorrow then rehearsals for drama againnnnn.


Erggh I wish I didn’t love food so much.
