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WIW: The late and I am on a loading day edition

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted.  This is because my home computer is protesting tumblr for some reason and won’t let me post.  For real.  So I have to do all my posting from work, which is, to say the least, difficult.

Anyway, I’ve decided to complete a second round of hcg.  I’ve made this decision based on the loss of my focus over the last few weeks.  I talked it over with my husband and we discussed health and personal related issues and both decided it may be in my best interest to complete a second round.  So here I go again…just because the first time around was so much flippin’ fun.

As for the weigh in part….today 156.0 lbs.  Sucks to be me, but that would be one of the reasons for the second round of hcg.