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Tamara Ecclestone's $1.5m crystal bath

When your house is worth £47 million ($72 million), how do you decorate the bathroom? With a £1m bath made of crystal, of course - at least, you do if you are Tamara Ecclestone, the daughter of billionaire Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone.

In an interview with the UK's Daily Mail, the older sister of recently-married Petra confirmed tabloid reports that several minions had been sent "up the Amazon" to gather crystal to be turned into a bathtub. "It's completely true," she told the newspaper.

"It’s costing £1 million because I’ve got to reinforce the floor and I’ve had to pay for everyone’s travel and the hauling back and polishing of the crystal. But I spend a lot of time in the bath so it’s worth it."

The socialite, model and television presenter, who was the bridesmaid at her sister's recent £5 million wedding, insists that she has a "grounded" attitude to money, courtesy of her father, a self-made man. "He raised me to appreciate money and not to take it for granted," she says. "I was raised to want to work for a living."

The socialite, model and television presenter is currently in Los Angeles, where she has announced she is looking for a second home "starting at the £100 million mark".

Petra Ecclestone has already moved to the city, having bought the £91 million hilltop mansion previously owned by Aaron Spelling, the late creator of Dynasty and Beverley Hills 90210, three months ago.

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