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Ashley Greene Is Olivia Twisted

Charles Dickens is one of those authors whose work is seemingly always getting adapted in various forms. While it’s rare to come across a version that takes the original tale – this time it's Oliver Twist – and gives it a real makeover, that’s the case with Olivia Twisted, which will find Twilight’s Ashley Greene playing the title character.

First-time screenwriter Michael Roberts penned the script, which finds the 19-year-old heroine running a crew of well-trained, orphan street urchins. But when they take on what seems at face value to be a simple kidnapping job, they’re suddenly plunged into the middle of a nasty turf war between two criminal gangs.

The Social Network’s co-producer Michael De Luca is spearheading the project, which doesn’t yet have a director. According to Variety, the film will “combine classic Dickensian elements with a unique gothic backdrop.” Right then…

While there’s no word on when it’ll shoot yet, chances are it’ll be aimed for release next year, which just so happens to be the bicentennial of Dickens’ birth. There’s already one film (from Mike Newell) and one TV version of Great Expectations underway, and we’re now just waiting for someone to announce that A Christmas Carol On Mars is joining them. Read More at Empire Online