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Demi Moore's Personal Cancer Movie

Demi Moore's new TV movie about cancer has become personal for the actress - one of her relatives has since fallen ill with the deadly disease.

The Ghost star joined forces with Jennifer Aniston and singer Alicia Keys to direct a series of films about women and breast cancer in support of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation.

Moore took charge of Charlotte - about a little girl whose mother succumbs to the disease - but she admits it wasn't until wrapping the project that the story really hit home.

She tells Glamour magazine, "I've known people affected by breast cancer, and since I finished the project, someone in our family has also been diagnosed.

"But I think that so often there is that 'out of sight, out of mind' feeling, like breast cancer is happening to other people, not you.

"Before this project came up, even I really didn't want to pay attention. I feel that this came to me to make me pay attention."

The series of sort films, Five, is set to air on U.S. network Lifetime on 10 October (11).

Source: Female Firts UK