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Caggie Dunlop is, gosh, so bloody hot, darling

Have you ever seen that E4 programme Made In Chelsea?

If you’re anything like us, you’ll be saying “Of course I bloody haven’t. It’s a faux-posh ersatz reality shitfest where some attractive people do a not very convincing job of pretending they’re having tumultuous relationships with each other when in fact they’re just hammy actors looking wistfully at Hollyoaks in the way Hollywood waitresses dream of being Scarlett Johansson while they’re serving up waffles and grits”.

But, if you are anything like us, the truth would be “Sadly, yes. I’ve seen every bloody episode. Some of them twice. I can’t explain it, nor help it. Something just draws me into it every week. Despite the fact I know what it’s going to be like, I find myself transfixed. I’m like a heroin addict, without the highs. At least I can pretend I’m only watching it to see the hot girls – Caggie, Millie, Funda and Binky (yes, they really are called that) – when in fact I’m genuinely invested in the narrative, the “will-they, won’t-they kiss on the polo field?” and the shots of random expensive cars driving past which do nothing to convince me that these people genuinely are that loaded”. |Read more at FHM