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Rehman Malik’s plea to Supreme Court

Interior Minister Rehman Malik has appealed to the Supreme Court to impose ban on collection of skins of sacrificial animals and ‘Fitra’ by political parties.

It will help maintaining peace in Karachi, he said while talking to media at State Guest house after presiding over law and order meeting here on Monday.

He said the situation in the city has improved but strict action will remain in place against criminals to ensure permanent peace.

“If we get information about the presence of arms or criminals in the office of any political party, strict action will be taken against the responsible”, he added

He said joint interrogation team led by SSP has been formed for investigation of accused, arrested during the operation. The team will send its report to Home Secretary.

The interior Minister said that the SHOs are responsible for maintaining peace in their respective areas, and in case they fail to fulfill their responsibility, action will be taken against them.

To a question about allegations of Dr. Zulfikar Mirza against him, he said, “I have requested the prime minister to conduct judicial inquiry into the allegation”.

He said “the prime minister has assigned me with the task of maintaining peace in Karachi, and I will complete it successfully”.(AAJ.TV)