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Zardari urges business community to come with out-of-box suggestions

President Asif Ali Zardari Friday urged the business community to come forward with out of box proposals to the government to overcome economic challenges.He was talking to a delegation of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) – the apex body representing trade and industry and mouthpiece of country’s private sector, here at the President House.The President said that business community of the country should help the government in restoring the confidence of the people in the strength and vitality of the national economy through the important platform of FPCCI.
The meeting, in line with regular interaction of the President with the representatives of the business community, was aimed at seeking their cooperation and suggestions to stimulate economic activities and for steps to further promote business friendly environment in the country.
The President thanked the business community for support at a time when the government had inherited the economic ills and was undertaking military operation against the extremists and militants, besides also coping with the devastation of natural calamities.(AAJ NEWS)