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Atlanta Beer Week!

Atlanta Beer Week is coming soon. This is like music to my ears. As OMFG's unofficial official Beer Connoisseur, I am super duper excited. What is Atlanta Beer Week? Well, from what I have read so far, it seems to be nothing less than a celebration of Craft Beer.
Rumor has it that there will be a secret cask tapping of Terrapin's Depth Charge on May 20th at Midnight, although its location has yet to be confirmed!

I've also read that Sweetwater has a schedule of special casks that will be tapped all week over at the brewery!

 Get Heady Atlanta! Here is the Sweetwater schedule:
May 19th - Dirty South: Dark version of IPA with centennial hops
May 20th - Chocolate Quad: BSP with Chocolate
May 21st - Old Faithful: IPA dry hopped with centennial hops
May 22nd - Go Hop or Go Home: IPA dry hopped with columbus hops and a hop secret

Here are the websites that I got all the info for beer week from:
Website for Atlanta Beer Week (w/ calendar of events)
