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OMFG - Celebrity Court House Drama

Alexis Neiers was recently sentenced to 180 days in jail for being part of the 'Burglar Bunch' group. This group went around Hollywood breaking into the houses of Orlando Bloom, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, & Audrina Patridge. Alexis can be seen on the new E! show, Pretty Wild. Below is footage from her court appearance.

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She said she pleaded guilty because she didn't want to go to trial knowing that Orlando Bloom would be testifying. She didn't think that anyone would believe her against him, since he is such a big star. By watching the show, it seems her side of the story is that she was drunk and mixed up with a bad group of kids. She doesn't even know how she wound up in the house. Here is a pic of the burglar bunch: 

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~S (steph_gossip girl)