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Raid Your Mothers Closet

I know usually girls my age, or girls old enough to go out alone rather love to shop with their friends. But I would much rather shop with my Mother. You see, going shopping with friends has a few drawbacks and I will tell you what they are.

First of all, I am a college student that means I have literally no money of my own. I do not earn any money through anything I do. Basically I am not very productive : ) so window shopping with girlfriends is fine but when it actually comes to spending I can`t buy more than  3 things. 

Now that I have the selfish reason of money out of the way, I shall tell you more (if you are getting bored of this ramble scroll down for the good stuff). 
With friends I am always hesitant that I`ll pick out something they wanted to buy and won`t cos I got it first etc. However one friend and I usually end up buying the same thing when shopping separately, which I find amazingly funny and love the fact that we have such a connection.

One more thing I like doing is Raiding My Mothers Closet. Specially since most trends these days are 80s or 90s revival. The skinny jeans that were Then famously called Drain Pipes : ) I have taken alot of her chunky sweaters to wear over leggings.  Actually I have taken alot of her leggings and stocking too : )
Imagine picking out things from Anna Wintours closet

I doubt there is any girl who hasn`t picked up something or the other from their mothers collection or shares some of her pieces with her. But still, I would like to tell you that your mommy's closet is a great place to find some fabulous things. 

Not only do I borrow (more like take) clothes from my mother, lots of her friends give me their clothes too. Right now I have this awesome roundstooth jacket, given to me by my mothers friend waiting to be fitted for me.

These are not the exact things that she`s given me but yeah similar pieces have been stolen from her : )

And sometimes, just sometimes when you ask nicely or have been on your best behavior you might realize, That generation saw the rise of some of the biggest fashion houses of our time. Also there existed a time when flaunting brands wasn`t a hobby and not every reality star had the latest monogrammed handbag or dress. Well there was no reality TV at that time. So those who owned something 'designer' cherished that piece, because maybe that was the only 'designer' piece they had. And maybe that person was your mother.

My point is that sometimes our parents generation have the best designer items around.But they know that flaunting it like Paris Hilton is just going to devalue it. A Mont blanc pen. A Donna Karen Skirt. A burberry jacket.

I was very lucky to receive something like that from my mother on my birthday. 

So go ahead, snoop around and see what you find : ) It doesn't have to be designer or anything actually. Just the fact that you are wearing something 20 -30 years old which your mother once wore with panache makes it equally or even more special : )

Would you wear something from your mother collection or do you think its way outdated? Or maybe your styles arn`t similar?