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Now we all know Taylor Momsen who plays Jenny Humpfrey on Gossip Girl.
So you must remember sweet little Jenny from Brooklyn right?


SO how does this sweet little girl

go on to become 

There are about a gazillion pictures of her dressed inappropriately. Here is another one which puzzles me greatly.What is Wrong with this girl. She`s just seventeen for gods sake. I mean you can see another Lindsay Lohan waiting in the line.
And her inappropriateness doesn't stop at her dressing sense. She has a band called 'The Pretty Reckless' They were performing I think a week ago somewhere and guess what our favorite raccoon eyed teen did? She flashed the audience. I kid you not, Google it. Did i mention she`s SEVENTEEN? I mean wtf? She`s Underage! So does that mean the entire audience can go to jail for that though? But atleast she had pasties on! (to cover her..you know)
She`s real classy I tell you.
She`s the perfect kind of role model the teens of today need! 

But she this gives me a great idea for a Halloween costume! [How many of you wish we in India celebrated proper Halloween and not the cheap version of it! Its the perfect holiday you get to dress up and try to be as creative as possible!] Anyway. If you want to go as Taylor Momsen for Halloween all you need is something black and teeny tiny (preferably ribbed) to cover your personal parts (or not!) and some charcoal.

STEP 1- Close your eyes 
Step 2- Rub charcoal all around eyes
