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Derek White Weighs In On The Hills

Derek White’s days on The Hills and rumors of dating his friend (Justin "Bobby" Brescia)'s ex-girlfriend, Audrina Patridge, are over, but he’s still getting a kick out of watching the new season.

“Well Justin and I go back 13 years now, Audrina about four years and the rest only for two years,” Derek told OK! about how knows The Hills cast. “I worked in the surf community when I first came to California, and Justin was one of the youngest kids surfing on our surf team, that’s where we first met.”

Regarding Audrina's current flame he says, "I don’t know Ryan well at all, but I know that for the first time Audrina is actually happy. And from what I understand he treats her really good and they are really happy,” he explained to OK!. “I am stoked for her. She is a good girl with a good heart.”

He also plans to watch the final season of The Hills. “I am definitely eager to see what transpires here between the whole group. These people have been under a spotlight for a few years now. Some have stayed true to their roots and some have not,” he told OK!. “I can’t really speak for anyone other than Audrina and Justin. Those are the only two that I actually talk to and I know what’s going on with them. The rest of the cast, I just hear through the grapevine just like everyone else, and by the sounds of it, some of the other aren’t doing to well.”

“I am excited to see what MTV has thrown together,” added. “Yes this is a reality show, but yes MTV also helps to influence situations, so it will be interesting to see what they have prepared for The Hills audience.”

Credit: OK! Magazine