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OM(usic)FG - Taylor Momsen - The Pretty Reckless

I'm not quite sure how this happened..maybe it's the vodka...but I have to say I'm impressed with Taylor Momsen's music and style. Being a fan of the TV show Gossip Girl, I knew Momsen mostly for her role as Jenny Humphrey. I knew that Taylor's role on the show was shrinking due to her desire to tour with her band, The Pretty Reckless, and pursue her music career. Little did I know that I'd actually really like her music. Well everyone, the girl with the face for movies and television has officially hit the music scene. Her wild stage antics have earned the spot in many a gossip magazines. Flashing the crowd, inviting topless girls on stage with her, singing pant less, that's only the beginning for Taylor as she transforms herself being the little girl that starred in The Grinch with Jim Carey to being the next Courtney Love/Brody Dalle.