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Hugh Hefner Calls Out Crystal Harris' On Her Lies

After hearing of Crystal Harris' not-so-nice interview with Howard Stern on his Sirius radio show, Hugh Hefner took to his Twitter account to put her in her place.

"Crystal lied about our relationship on Howard Stern but I don't know why," he Tweeted last night, although he has since removed the message from his account. "Maybe a new boyfriend?" he wondered. Maybe because she's just so desperate for attention and talking about Hef is the only way she gets any?

He continued to call out Harris on her bull shit. "Crystal convinced me that she adored me, that was the first lie."

In closing, Hefner said he "feels sorry for Crystal, she seems lost" and that he is "happy to be in a better place with new girlfriends Anna Sophia Berglund & Shera Bechard."

I guess she just doesn't have anything else to talk about, that "music career" of hers must not have worked out -- shocking!