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My Interview With Chelsea of Maritime Shopaholic

I am enjoying doing interviews with fellow style bloggers a lot. It is amazing to find out how they got their inspiration for starting their blogs and finding out a little bit more about them. This week I did an interview with Chelsea of Maritime Shopaholic. She is actually the very first style blog I started following and part of the reason why I started mine. I love her style. It is so fun watching her looks change. She is a great fashion inspiration and I encourage all of you to visit her blog

Below is the interview with Chelsea:

1) When did you start this blog?

I started Maritime Shopaholic in late March, earlier this year.

2) What inspired you to start this blog?

I had kept a personal blog a few years ago in university, but needed a more creative outlet to keep up with it. I was really inspired by local bloggers and other style bloggers out there for a few months before I started my blog. I hesitated at first because I was worried with how others would think or if they would misinterpret my blog. But I decided to go ahead and start a personal style blog with a positive outlook and add my own twist.

3) How did you come up with the name Maritime Shopaholic?

Well the name was influenced by Confessions of a Shopaholic, but I wanted a title a little more unique and personal. I’m a little known for my tendency and love for shopping…and I live in one of the Maritime Provinces of Canada!

4) Have you ever considered a career in fashion?

Not directly, no. But as my love and knowledge of the fashion industry has evolved and grown, I’ve definitely felt the desire to be a part of it. Being a part of the fashion blogging community, I’ve seen how influential fashion bloggers really are and I’ve watched popular bloggers get amazing opportunities to collaborate and work with businesses, brands, and designers. I’ll just keep stepping up my game and see where that takes me! I’m open to any opportunities that might come my way. It’s a dream of mine now to do freelance writing for any fashion resources, local or larger.

5) Is there a difference in looks between Canada and the US?

Honestly, in the big picture, not really. I see our countries as very similar- we both welcome a number of diverse cultures within our countries, but the mainstream looks, trends, and fashion influences tend to be relatively the same. Most of my TV stations and fashion reads come from the US! Canada and the US house a lot of the same brands and stores so we tend to have access to the same fashions.

6) How would you consider your look?

I’d say my own look is a combination of romantic and boho, with a few edgy pieces mixed in from time to time. I first and foremost strive for comfort and try to throw in some sort of statement piece into most of my outfits.

7) Is there a look that you have wanted to try out and haven’t yet?

I’ve been meaning to try the look of sporting denim or dress shorts with patterned tights. In general, I wish I had more opportunities to wear cute dresses or skirts and experiment with coloured tights and heels more, but it’s not particular practical wear for my day job. I own a few fascinators, but I’d like to be able to incorporate them into my look a little more!

8) What is your favorite look right now?

Oh my gosh, I am loving faux fur right now. Vests, coats, stoles, you name it! It’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to add a little glam to an outfit. I’ve had to stop myself from buying too many pieces! I think I might be a little under the influence of watching so much Rachel Zoe Project lately…

9) Number one item on your wish list?

So hard to pick just one…so I’m going to cheat, but make it short J (I actually have a wish list posted on my blog!) The items that really top my never ending list: statement necklaces (I love big, chunky necklaces) like the ones from ESquared (http://www.etsy.com/shop/EsquaredJewels), an excellent-fitting pair of platform stilettos (I have high arches) in either grey or beige with some bling, and tops/dresses with sequins! I’ve very much into the lady-like, glitter-glam trend for the Holidays.

10) Do you still see yourself blogging a year from now?

Absolutely, I love what I do!

11) Is there any advice you would like to give to fellow style bloggers?

I know other bloggers have said it, but it’s a really important one: blog about what you know. But also, there’s so many style blogs out there that you want to do something to set yourself apart: there’s lots of little ways to do that. My biggest suggestion is to keep the content positive: for many people this is their first and only impression of you. You are your own PR. If you want to draw a supportive, regular readership you want them to show them that wonderful person that you are!