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Blog Award : )

The amazingly sweet Pooja a.k.a ladylavender from Musings Of A Novice gave me a blog award!

 I love reading her posts. And I also admire that she has a little boyish-rough streak, or whatever you may want to call it in her. She`s not a typical girly girl. And btw she is also a qualified computer programmer which I think is awesome. So she is a computer programmer with a degree(!), loves all things beauty and can also kick your ass : ) She used to play rugby you see :D

So according to tradition I have to-

1. thank the person who gave you this award. Thank you Thank You Thank you Pooja.

2. Tell
7 facts about Myself

3.Pay it forward to 7 bloggers you adore and contact them to let them know they've been chosen.

Seven Wonders Of Me :)

1. I absolutely LOVE animals. So much so that I have gotten into heated arguments with people who think the amount of love I have for them sometimes is bad,cos it is greater than my love for humans. I have many reasons for that and I could dedicate a whole blog on it : ) so I won`t start here.
 But yeah, Love animals. I want to adopt and help every stray animal out there and nothing stops me from screaming my head off when I see someone kick a dog or any other animal on the street. I also get teary eyed seeing sad documentaries or ads on how any animal is going extinct or is being tortured etc.

2. I love Blue. I also love all the peacock colours. 'Peacock colours' is the theme of my room : )

3. I live with my Mother and My dog. My parents got divorced when I was about 14 and I am totally fine with it. I actually like this arrangement better. Get the best of both worlds!

4. I am pro - choice i.e abortion. I am for gay marriages. I don`t believe in any religion or god nor do I like it when people put one religion over the other. I think they are all equal but do not have a preference. I also dont know why Visa forms and Hospital forms have a 'Religion' section. Mine always says blank.

5. I love sour things. Raw mangoes! Yum. Sucks that I cant have them in winters. Any type of sour CHURAN :D

6. I am 20 years old and my Mother still wraps and gives me Christmas presents on the 25th and I am proud of it :)

7. I like Deepika Padukone over Sonam Kapoor 

Whoa. I hope that wasn`t too long and didnt bore you.

Onto the SEVEN bloggers I give this award to !

1. Namita Of A Fashion Fixation I absolutely adore her sense of style and her knowledge of international fashion.

2. Sonali Of Bollywood Style Diaries I love how she writes, shes quirky and funny. She also has really interesting games and other fun stuff on her blog.

3. Desipolitan another amazing writer with a funny streak.

4.Fashion & Me I just came across her blog recently and think she has really chic style

5.Cynthia of Indian Vanity Case I know she`s probably gotten this and other blog awards a hundred times now but I do think she really deserves it cos she is DAMN creative with her make up looks. Never fails to surprise! 

6. Jeweliot Of Crowded Solitude I know this is a Style award and she writes more on general things. You know. Like life. Anyway I give this to her cos I like her writing style : )

7. Republic Of Chic She has such great style and her pictures are brilliant. She also has a little shop which sells such cute yet edgy dresses etc.