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OMFG - Beer Review Series - Southern Tier Pumking

It’s starting to feel like fall again! You know what that means? You have to rake leaves for your elderly neighbor? No! Kick that neighbor to the curb; your local craft beer store has PUMPKIN beer. Now, normally I am not a fan of the pumpkin beers, but I decided to take the highest rated one on www.beeradvocate.com and give it a try.

Pumpkin beers have an interesting flavor profile. They tend to be on the sweeter side, and are very thick on the mouthfeel. Making a P-beer is very tedious for the brewer because they have to break the pumpkin down and roast it to force out the flavors. Some opt. out and go for a pre-pureed pumpkin, but this method, IMHO, does little for flavor. Typically the malts are mild and many baking spices are added to create depth of flavor.

Southern Tier has the Pumking. This is the mac daddy of all P-beers on the market. It pours a deep jack-o-lantern orange, with a ghostly white head. (See how I did that?) The nose is … Holy $h!t… grandma’s pumpkin pie! Amazing, like I have never smelled from a beer. It literally smells like warm pumpkin pie. Ground ginger, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and allspice with some crusty bread malt lingering in the background.

Taste is just like smell. I am amazed it actually works. It’s very sugary and sweet; definitely an after dinner/desert beer. I, beyond doubt, taste the spices combined with non starchy pumpkin flavor followed by sweet crust and ginger snaps. There is hop present; otherwise you would be fooled into thinking this isn’t even a beer. The mouthfeel is creamy and almost reminds me of lactose or whip cream on pie.

Pumking is very easy to drink. I polished the whole bomber with no issue. ABV is 9%, and it’s not apparent at all until after. (I hate to admit, this beer went down so fast I was a little crooked.)  I am going to keep some of this on hand for Thanksgiving; It would be the perfect after dinner drink. End result is a very impressive, unique and excellent beer! ALL HAIL PUMKING!
