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OMFG(ossip) - Adam Lambert Controversy

(Credit: Kevin Winter/AMA2009/Getty Images)
So, everyone seemed to love him on American Idol.  But now, with a fresh touch of eyeliner & a whip, Adam Lambert can't seem to get a break after performing on the AMAs.  It was everything fans have been use to seeing from people such as Britney Spears & Madonna. You know, a little bump & grind with a quick make out session.  But, somehow when these actions come from a male, people lose it.  What if he had performed with a stripper pole like Miss Teen Queen Miley?  Or what if the person he kissed were female instead?  Let's cut Adam some slack.  He's a performer. His job is to sing, dance, entertain, look sexy, & get your attention.  Didn't he do all that? Like Harvey Levin said on TMZ today, it was probably the "best thing he could have ever done for his career." 

Now CBS has made their lame statement as to why they are now blurring the male-to-male kiss, but do not blur the girl-to-girl kiss from Spears/Madonna:

"We gave this some real thought. The Madonna image is very familiar and has appeared countless times including many times on morning television. The Adam Lambert image is a subject of great current controversy, has not been nearly as widely disseminated, and for all we know, may still lead to legal consequences."

Go here for the Perez Hilton article on this.
Other source is Us Weekly