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OMFG(ames) - 2 Celebs To Sue Video Game Company

(Photos belong to: Activsion)
So, the buzz on the streets (&....Twitter) is that there's been a recent uproar from a couple celebs about how images are being used in Activision's Guitar Hero game.  Both Gwen Stefani & Courtney Love plan to sue the company for "breach of contract."  The story so far is that both had worked with the company to put together the details of the images of No Doubt members and the image of Love's late husband, Kurt Cobain. However, the "breach of contract" is coming into play because of the way Guitar Hero makers have used those images in the game.  Both parties claim that they were unaware that the game would allow players to "unlock" these characters and have them perform songs by other bands. Examples: No Doubt was particularly upset to see that the game allows you to show Gwen singing a Rolling Stones song in a masculine voice & I'm sure it's a little unsettling to see Kurt Cobain singing a Bon Jovi song. Needless to say, this was not what the musicians signed up for.

Courtney Love has been venting on Twitter & you can actually see Dave Grohl & Krist Novoselic's official statement by clicking here: Foo Fighter's site.  One of the things they say is that, "It's hard to watch an image of Kurt pantomiming other artists' music alongside cartoon characters.  Kurt Cobain wrote songs that hold a lot of meaning to people all over the world. We feel he deserves better." I agree. The comprise it seems is that they want to allow the images to stay in the game, but not allow them to be "unlocked".   ~S